The Emerging World of Restaurant Gaming Technology

The Emerging World of Restaurant Gaming Technology
  • Opening Intro -

    There are many ways that technology has changed the world today and restaurant owners have been quick to improve their service through social media and smartphone accessibility.


Ordering meals and making reservations aren’t the only way that technology has improved the dining experience, however. The younger crowd of diners is finding that they can enjoy many of their favorite online games while eating, whether they are alone or eating with their friends.

Restaurant Gaming Technology

In addition to enjoying the service of tabletop waiters and checkout, many diners today can take a few minutes to check on the status of their online game while waiting for food to arrive. Parents at some fast food restaurants can let their kids play gesture-enabled games until their meals are ready. The use of integrated-technology is a definite bonus for restaurants where it is used correctly.

Is This a Good Trend?

Some people may worry that society is too connected to the Internet; these individuals may shake their heads at the number of people logging during their meals. Others, though, will enjoy the chance to interact electronically with friends who live too far away for meet in person. There is also the chance that playing a game with friends on a smartphone is a better option than eating alone.

Where do you stand on this issue? Check out the following infographic for a bigger picture:

Restaurant of the Future - Evolution of Social Gaming


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