Besides tuition, room and board, books and scads of fees, there are other expenses associated with attending college including the purchase of a laptop. Some schools offer incoming freshmen a laptop for “free,” a cost you’re already covering through your exorbitant tuition. Even then, the laptop offered may not be something you want — perhaps not having the right kind of video card or, heaven forbid, is a PC and not a Mac.

Weight your options before choosing your laptop.
If you’re planning to buy a laptop, there are some things to keep in mind before you shop:
1. Longevity — The computer you buy now should last you through college. Even better would be a laptop that will be around long enough for you to finish your master’s degree or start your career. Yes, you know where I’m going with this — only the most expensive PC may be worth it, otherwise choose a Mac to ensure you won’t be stuck with a dud.
2. Scalability — Don’t settle for a laptop based solely on price. Consider one that has a large enough screen for your needs, plenty of RAM with room to expand, DVD-RW, needed software and accessories, and an extended warranty. Buy a laptop that will meet your projected needs for the next five or six years. You’ll pay more right now, but you’ll avoid having to buy a replacement in three or four years.
3. Dependability — That Black Friday deal may be a head turner, but it may not be for a laptop from a known brand. HP, Dell, Sony, Toshiba, Lenovo and Gateway are among the more recognized brands on the market. Apple, of course, is Mac and offers a rock solid reputation as well.
4. Usability — You’ll want to make sure that your laptop has all of the software you’ll need, a modem and ethernet port for cable/DSL connectivity and wi-fi access. You want enough ports and slots, and may need to get your own wireless base: for more information about wireless internet for your laptop “click here“.
Don’t forget a good carrying case, one that offers plenty of protection in case you drop your bag or if TSA throws your bag through as you get ready to take your next flight.
Read up on consumer reviews of specific laptops and ask your friends what they are using. If possible, try before you buy — choose only a laptop you feel comfortable using because you’ll be using that model for many years to come. When you’re ready to make a purchase based on your informed decision-making, then go ahead and don’t look back.
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