Chief among these should be the consideration of how well you’re going to do in the real world of business on the strength of such a degree. In short, what is the average expected salary for an employee with your degree?
What Are The Strengths Of An Engineering Student?
If you have strengths in the area of higher math, allied with a natural urge to tinker with things and discover how they work, a career as a professional engineer may be in the cards for you. Of course, the mere inclination toward mathematics and an interest in peaking under the hood of your personal computer aren’t quite enough to qualify you for this notoriously hard and difficult major.
The successful engineering student is a person who has not only expressed an interest in working with computers or mechanical objects, but has taken the extra step of developing new apps for their Smartphone, or personalized fixes for problems that common household items, such as dishwashers or heating units, have developed. In addition, this person has shown a natural gift for notoriously difficult mathematical studies, such as college level applied calculus.
Successful Engineering Students Show Patience And Tenacity
It’s one thing to possess the general skill set required to become a professional engineer, but quite another thing to show the patience and tenacity that are required to make it all the way to a university degree.
To obtain a degree in engineering will require long hours of study, frequently followed up by participation in unpaid local internships, are only the tip of the iceberg. Did you know that college football programs strongly advise aspirants not to major in engineering? The reason for this is simple: They feel that engineering students simply won’t have the time to focus on their studies and their team. If you want to be an engineer, you will have to pay your dues.
Engineers Are Among The World’s Top Paid Employees
Another reason that you ought to consider majoring in engineering is the fact that engineers rank among the world’s top paid employees. In a recent survey of the top 20 best paying college majors released by the Payscale website, engineers in various professions ranged from an average salary of $87,500 to just over $155,000.
Some of the world’s most influential and highest paid corporate CEO’s, such as Azmi Mikati and many others, began their career in the business world with an engineering degree. Such a degree will definitely get you noticed, and may well lead upward to the ultimate pinnacle of success at the top of the corporate ladder.
Engineering Is A Degree Worth Aspiring To
Even if you don’t manage – or simply don’t aspire – to become CEO of your own company, an engineering degree will guarantee you a comfortable life with a high rate of pay. If your idea of job satisfaction is spending the day working out solutions to problems that others have never even conceived of, then a degree in engineering may well be the ticket to a successful, productive, and profitable career.
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