You want to make sure that you can land a job after you actually get your degree. A guidance counselor that is unaware of the different career prospects in your given field is not very helpful.
You will find that entities like the Princeton Review are going to make it easier for you to learn about the career services at a given school, ranking each school in a given conference by things like job placement after graduation.
You have to remember that not every graduate is going to find something in their given major. The job placement statistic may be frustrating for some people, because the graduates want to be able to find something in their field of study, but the overall economic outlook may have an impact on that.
A career counselor must have good contacts. You don’t want to work with a career counselor that discourages you from working for certain companies. The advice that you are given may be quite accurate, but you should have the chance to decide whether a company is best for your needs.
Engineers are going to have a number of opportunities, no matter where they happen to live in the country, but you don’t want to see a counselor make the promise that you will definitely get a job after getting an Engineering degree. The Engineering degree is definitely going to look very good on a resume.
Our job center is not career counseling. But it gives you an idea of career opportunities that are available in your line of study:
- Take a Look: job search world
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Internships can be a good way to get your feet in the door if you are a graduate. An unpaid internship can not help you pay off your student loan debt. The right career counselor can help you find paid internships at top notch firms, stuff that will help you pay off that student debt.
Real World Experience
You need to be able to find a way to be able to use your courses as a student into real world experience. A quality career counselor is definitely going to understand what you mean when you are talking about real world experience and opportunities.
At the end of the day, you can find the right career if you have the right skills. A quality career counselor will hang in there with you. The right college will give you the right skills, a career counselor has to be able to promote the skill set their school offers to students.
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