However, many people find it hard with their current lifestyles. As students, you have the benefit of having a much more flexible lifestyle that you can make as green as possible.
If you want to live an eco-friendlier life, check out some of the best sustainable habits to start now. Once you introduce these tasks, you’ll find that helping the planet is easier than it seems.
Walk and Bike More
People have been saying this for years, and chances are, as a college student, you’re already walking quite a bit. However, there are still moments where you can walk or bike rather than order an Uber, for example.
The more you take the steps to walk or bike, the more of an impact you’ll have on others around you to do the same. Encourage friends and peers to do the same—it’ll make a difference!
Start Canceling Out Meat
Your diet plays a bigger role on the environment than you might believe. Now more than ever, people are recognizing the damage the meat industry is having on the environment.
With documentaries such as What the Health and Cowspiracy, as well as jarring statistics like “animal agriculture is responsible for 18 percent of greenhouse gas emissions, more than the combined exhaust from all transportation.”
The sooner you start eliminating meat and dairy from your diet, the sooner we cut down on these numbers.
Recycle and Compost
We’ve heard “reduce, reuse, recycle” for years. But this goes further than putting plastic water bottles in a blue bin. There are various types of recycling—the plastic and paper recycling we all know, but there’s also textile recycling and composting.
In fact, recycling your clothes is just as important as recycling plastic bottles. Set up clothing donation bins throughout campus and donate to a great cause.
Similarly, food waste is a huge problem in the nation, so the sooner you get in the habit of composting those leftovers, the better. Ask your campus to set up composting receptacles throughout the campus.
Think Reusable
The sooner we all start using reusable items, the better for the environment. Choose cloth napkins over paper napkins or paper towels. Remember to bring reusable shopping bags to the grocery store and stop using the plastic ones. Bring your own mug to the coffee shop, and your own reusable water bottle instead of plastic.
If there isn’t one already, start up a sustainability club on campus and start by planting trees. Raise funds to plant trees on campus, in yards, in nearby parks. There are tons of ways you and this club can spread important knowledge about sustainability practices. Share the habits you’ve learned with those around you!
Just because you’re in college doesn’t mean you can’t make eco-friendly choices. Start with small habits like taking shorter showers and limiting red meat, and then you can build up to bigger sustainability projects. The sooner you start, the better chance we have of making a difference!
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5 of the Best Sustainable Habits to Start Now
Want to do your part in helping out the planet?
Now more than ever, it’s important to make environmentally friendly choices.
However, many people find it hard with their current lifestyles. As students, you have the benefit of having a much more flexible lifestyle that you can make as green as possible.
If you want to live an eco-friendlier life, check out some of the best sustainable habits to start now. Once you introduce these tasks, you’ll find that helping the planet is easier than it seems.
Walk and Bike More
People have been saying this for years, and chances are, as a college student, you’re already walking quite a bit. However, there are still moments where you can walk or bike rather than order an Uber, for example.
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The more you take the steps to walk or bike, the more of an impact you’ll have on others around you to do the same. Encourage friends and peers to do the same—it’ll make a difference!
Start Canceling Out Meat
Your diet plays a bigger role on the environment than you might believe. Now more than ever, people are recognizing the damage the meat industry is having on the environment.
With documentaries such as What the Health and Cowspiracy, as well as jarring statistics like “animal agriculture is responsible for 18 percent of greenhouse gas emissions, more than the combined exhaust from all transportation.”
The sooner you start eliminating meat and dairy from your diet, the sooner we cut down on these numbers.
Recycle and Compost
We’ve heard “reduce, reuse, recycle” for years. But this goes further than putting plastic water bottles in a blue bin. There are various types of recycling—the plastic and paper recycling we all know, but there’s also textile recycling and composting.
In fact, recycling your clothes is just as important as recycling plastic bottles. Set up clothing donation bins throughout campus and donate to a great cause.
Similarly, food waste is a huge problem in the nation, so the sooner you get in the habit of composting those leftovers, the better. Ask your campus to set up composting receptacles throughout the campus.
Think Reusable
The sooner we all start using reusable items, the better for the environment. Choose cloth napkins over paper napkins or paper towels. Remember to bring reusable shopping bags to the grocery store and stop using the plastic ones. Bring your own mug to the coffee shop, and your own reusable water bottle instead of plastic.
Plant a Few Trees
If there isn’t one already, start up a sustainability club on campus and start by planting trees. Raise funds to plant trees on campus, in yards, in nearby parks. There are tons of ways you and this club can spread important knowledge about sustainability practices. Share the habits you’ve learned with those around you!
Just because you’re in college doesn’t mean you can’t make eco-friendly choices. Start with small habits like taking shorter showers and limiting red meat, and then you can build up to bigger sustainability projects. The sooner you start, the better chance we have of making a difference!
Image Credit: best sustainable habits by
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