Ok, you just got your new room, as a student, on campus. You are moving in, and the place is not quite what you hope to be.
Since you’ll be staying here for a while, you can redecorate this space so that you can enjoy your college days. The best thing is: you don’t need a lot of money for that.
The beauty is in the small details
Details are something that gives the magic to space where we live. And there are not very expensive. You can buy some attractive features for a few dollars.
Let’s start at your desk. You can decorate your workspace with some useful office accessories:
Unusual pen holders, maybe with pictures and shapes of your favorite movie, game or book. Corkboard above your desk, with color stickers, motivation quotes or pictures of your friends and loved ones. The desk lamp is always lovely detail and useful too. You can always find some fun lamp shapes online.
Decoration of your work desk will coast approx $20, it depends on what you are looking for, and how lucky you will be when it comes to prices.
Some beautiful details are also paper lanterns and fairy lights. They will undoubtedly bring some romantic atmosphere in the room, and there are not expensive. When you return to your dorm room after a hard day, you can turn on the fairy lights, lay on your bed and enjoy your favorite book.
Curtains also don’t have to be expensive. You can find curtains with fun details, like butterflies, flowers, etc.
Let one color dominate
It’s not suitable for the room to be too colorful. Let one color dominates.
It is good to choose brighter colors. Today, designers of interior, mostly choose Scandinavian styles, which are specific because of the bright colors.
We suggest white, light grey or beige. You probably know that colors affect a person’s mood. Pay extra attention to what would be the dominant color in our dorm room.
Once you choose the color, let the more compelling details be in that color: bed sheets, furniture, carpet, and curtains. The smaller details can be in another, compatible color.
Some plants don’t hurt anybody.
Plants and flowers are lovely detail, not just for a dorm room, but for any other space: office, kitchen, living room, etc.
You can even grow some tea herbs, like mint or chamomile. It is beneficial, too; you will always have some fresh herbs for the tea.
There is a lot of beautiful room plants that you can grow in your dorm room. They don’t have to be large and occupy your space. You can find a plant in smaller pots, and put them on your desk, window or shelf.
Have you found these pieces of information useful? Share this article with your social network accounts, so your friends could decorate their rooms for a small amount of money, and make their college dorm room a better place to live and study.
Image Credit: by Pixabay
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