If this is your first year in college, perhaps you are struggling with your first semester: keeping track of your homework, classes, studying, acquaintances and parties can be really overwhelming, at it might seem to you like you have to choose between being a nerd with no social life or being a carefree soul that doesn’t take advantage of their time in college.
While keeping a balanced life is indeed really difficult when you are in college, if you manage yourself properly you won’t have as much trouble as you think and you won’t have to make as many compromises.
1. Get A Planner
For starters, get an agenda or planner: it is absolutely crucial for you to keep track of your homework, deadlines for essays, tests and study groups. It can be either physical or online, whichever fits your personality and needs best.
If you want a physical one, they are easy to find in any supermarket; and if you want an online one you can use your Outlook calendar to keep track of important events going on in your college life (the Outlook calendar has the added benefit of giving you a reminder every time you open up your email !)
2. Make The Most Of Your Study Time
Another tip is making the most out of your study time. You don’t need to become the teacher’s pet, but going to see a professor during office hours if you are struggling with their class can do a lot to get on their good side.
Do your homework every once in a while, present your essays before the deadline even if they aren’t perfect (lots of professors value punctuality very highly). It is also a great idea to attend study groups, as not only they help you learn better and you will have the opportunity to ask things that you don’t understand, but it is a great way to get to know your classmates, make new friends and find out people whose personality is similar to yours.
3. Learn “Life Hacks”
Also, you can find “life hacks” that make studying easier for you. Did you know scent triggers memories very strongly? Rub some orange peels in your hands before studying for that History of English Language class, and right before the test rub orange peels in your hands again: the scent will help you remember what you studied (of course, change the scent every time you change the class you are studying for or it won’t have as much of an effect).
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If scents are not your thing, try it with flavors: use some mint bubblegum instead. In addition, some studies say that studying the same subject in different places can help you create new associations in your brain, which might help you remember better during your exam, so how about trying o study in the library or in the cafeteria instead of in your room ?
Keeping your grades up in college doesn’t have to be a nightmare as long as you are organized and ready to make compromises, are disciplined and determined and study on the regular. By using these tips, you could cut your study time in half so you can attend more parties and make the most out of your college years!
Image Credit: tips to succeed in college by envato.com
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