We count on smart TVs for entertainment and smart phones for up to the minute information. Our laptops and computers are how a lot of schoolwork is handled these days, with virtually no paper textbooks or notebooks having to get involved.
With so much technology operating in our homes, schools, and workplaces, it is crucial to protect those expensive devices from damage. One of the most important ways we protect them is with circuit breakers.
What is a Circuit Breaker?
Somewhere in every building, there is a large box that houses all the circuit breakers. Known as the breaker box, it is the starting point for power in a building.
As power comes into the building from the outside, it goes into the breaker box and is distributed to the various parts of the building.
This distribution involves separating power into different circuits. You may have a circuit that powers the living room and foyer, one for the kitchen, and so on.
Some circuits have lighter loads like outlets and lights, while other circuits support power-hungry items like heat pumps and water heaters. The circuit breaker is used to automatically cut off power to the circuit if something goes wrong.
How Does It Work?
Each circuit breaker is rated for a certain load, measured in amperes ("amps" for short). The rating is typically 20 to 50 amps, depending on what it’s powering.
The breaker is designed to disconnect power if the circuit is trying to draw an amount that exceeds that rating. This is usually a result of too many items being plugged in or of a malfunctioning piece of equipment.
When the breaker trips, everything on the circuit loses power. If your computer is plugged into the same circuit where a space heater is pulling a heavy load, the computer will go off just like the heater does.
What Action Should We Take?
Many times the overload is temporary. You may have one person using a hairdryer while another is running the vacuum cleaner, for example. As soon as one of those is turned off, the load returns to normal. You can reset the breaker and restore power.
If the breaker immediately trips when you attempt to reset it, something else is wrong. There could be water getting into an outlet or light.
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You may have a malfunctioning appliance. The list goes on and on. You may have to unplug each item individually to see which one is causing the circuit to trip.
The important thing to remember is that good circuit breakers protect your valuable equipment. They’ll keep your technology safe so that you can do the things you need to do.
Installing one in your home, apartment, dorm, or workplace is a good idea if you want to make sure your electronics will remain in good condition no matter what.
Image Credit: by envato.com
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