On-Campus or Off-Campus Housing: What’s Better For You?

On-Campus or Off-Campus Housing: What’s Better For You?
  • Opening Intro -

    As a campus student, where you live affects many aspects of your life, from your studies to your engagements during your free time.

    Before settling in a particular area of residence, do thorough research of the place you contemplate staying in.


Furthermore, you will need an environment that is secure, clean, and suits your taste; You might be the extroverted type who likes the town environment, or you might be the contained personality who prefers their own space.

As a student, you are given the choice to reside on the campus premises or off-campus. This article talks about why off-campus housing is better than on-campus.

1. Cost-Efficient

On-campus housing gives students the opportunity of assessing their classrooms with ease; however, this has a premium attached to it. There are various costs associated with on-campus housing, such as security fees, entertainment fees, maintenance costs, laundry costs, and recreation fees.

Additionally, most campuses require you to pay the total accommodation fee before moving into the hostels, making on-campus housing very expensive.

On the other hand, off-campus housing is cheaper in the sense that it provides students with many residential options to choose from depending on their financial muscles.

2. It’s Safer From Contractible Infections

In this pandemic era, living off-campus is definitely safer and healthier than living in a campus hostel. In the hostel, you share a room with another person, share the same amenities and probably eat from the same utensils.

Therefore, it is nearly impossible to observe all the precautions like wearing masks, sanitizing the toilet, and others. Sharing these amenities will consequently expose you to more infections.

On the other hand, off-campus housing is safer as you can use your items alone, significantly reducing the chances of contracting any infections. Besides, you can easily quarantine while living off-campus if you get sick.

Luxury KU student housing is a spacious and luxurious off housing option available for students learning at Kansas Campus.

It is an off-campus housing option designed to improve student living through its high-end amenities like a recording booth, a pool, a fitness center, and fire pits where you can comfortably enjoy your dinner.

3. Promotes Independence

The feeling of independence is one that you cannot trade with another. With freedom, you can transform the world by bringing into fruition your ideas. While you may be restricted against entrepreneurial habits while residing in a campus hostel, off-campus housing gives you all the freedom to start and run your businesses.

Here, you can explore all your ideas, make mistakes and learn from them. However, this is not usually the case for students living in the dormitories due to the strict rules put in place by the school administration.

4. It’s Exciting

Living in the campus hostels may at some point become annoying as you will have to put up with the unfriendly habits of your roommate.

For instance, your roommate may have the gross habit of turning on the speaker to full volume, bringing with them many guests regularly, and untidiness. Such practices will undoubtedly give you enough reasons to rent out an apartment off-campus.

On the other hand, residing outside the campus premises may be fulfilling as you get to lead a life of your choosing. Not having to put up with the gross lifestyle of another person may be very comforting and pleasing.

5. More Amenities to Enjoy

Dormitories may be nice, but the majority of most campus hostels are not equipped with a pool, a gym, or a game room. Engaging in these activities may be refreshing, and you may need it to rejuvenate your thoughts for the sake of your studies and overall well-being.

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Living outside the campus premises will provide you with various recreational amenities. Furthermore, Off-campus apartments may allow you to own a pet if you like animals, unlike on-campus living. At this point, it’s essential that as you look for an off-campus hostel, you check out the available amenities and facilities.

Wrapping Up

Living off-campus definitely comes with various benefits that this blog has analyzed in detail. However, there are a few disadvantages of living off-campus, but the benefits outweigh the disadvantages.

If choosing between living on-campus or off-campus, do not be swayed by the dorm fantasies in Hollywood movies; rather, it would be better to choose to reside off-campus.

Image Credit: on-campas or off-campus housing by envato.com

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Categories: College Living