Student Loans
Surprise! Most Families Are Paying For College Just Fine.
Tweet By the sound of it, most Americans cannot afford to keep up with increasingly higher tuition costs, right? Well, not according to the results of a recent Sallie Mae-Gallup
Career Training Loans Can Close The Financing Gap
Tweet Career changers will sometimes need to return to school in order to get the training they need to take on a new job. With this recession putting millions of
Understanding Federal Stafford Loans
Tweet Students who will be needing additional funding to pay for their college have a number of options available to them including applying for private and federal student loans. Federal
Are Federal PLUS Parent Loans Right For You?
Tweet Over the next few weeks, families will learn the exact amount of money owed to their student’s college for the upcoming academic year excluding certain expenses such as textbooks.
Sallie Mae And Your Student Loan
Tweet As students head off to college over the coming weeks, many will have received scholarships and grants to help pay for their schooling while others will tap 529 college
I Can’t Repay My Student Loans!
Tweet Students who are planning to graduate from college this spring or have recently graduated may be finding the going difficult in securing employment. Since last summer unemployment in some
Private Student Loans Changing Under Sallie Mae
Tweet The nation’s leading provider of student loans and administrator of college savings plans, Sallie Mae, has announced that they are making important changes to their private student loans, a
Book Review: Paying For College Without Going Broke
Tweet When the opportunity came up for me to review “Paying For College Without Going Broke,” I immediately jumped at the chance. After all, at we’re here to share
How To Beat The High Cost Of College
Tweet College tuition costs continue to rise, outstripping the rate of inflation year in and year out. Add in room and board, fees, books, labs and related expenses and the
$100 Million Set Aside For Illinois College Students
Tweet Illinois college students got some very good news over the weekend. No, it wasn’t the Fighting Illini’s 47-21 Saturday gridiron thrashing of in-state rival, EIU, rather it was the