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College Budgeting

Keep Your Credit Strong While In College

Tweet Manage your credit wisely by obtaining your free credit reports. Spending Habits Within months of setting foot on campus, some students begin to undertake spending habits that will eventually

FAFSA Form Tips

Is Federal Work-Study Right For You?

Tweet College work study program can help you pay for college. Participating Schools According to the U.S. Department of Education, more than 3,400 schools participate in FWS, paying students wages

Student Loans

Student Loans: Pay Back or Defer?

Tweet Making your first student loan payments. Welcome to the world of life after college. It may not be the picture of what you had expected more than four years

Book Reviews

Updated: Paying for College Without Going Broke

Tweet Kalman A. Chany’s latest edition is now available. Here in North Carolina, state college students are facing some of the largest increases ever seen as restricted budgets force legislators

NCAA Basketball

College Rankings? Mostly Meaningless Right Now.

Tweet College basketball is in full swing, but most schools have yet to begin conference play. That’s because teams play upwards of 14 games before getting in 16 regular season

Personal Advice

Quick Ways to Make Money on Christmas Break

Tweet How to make money while on break. Perhaps you’ll go skiing with your friends. Or head to a warmer climate and work on your tan. Most students, however, will


How College Concentration Courses Work

Tweet Majors, minors and college concentrations! College Concentrations Some colleges dispense with the idea of a college minor. Instead, students take a college major and then choose an area of


Is A College Minor Important?

Tweet Academically speaking, where does a college minor fit in? That may be hard to say, but your college minor can allow you to take classes for something that is

Career Planning

Change Your College Major With Care

Tweet How to change your college major. Changing career paths is very common for college students who will often find that they’re not suited for or interested in a certain

Education Tips

Transfer All of Your College Credits Successfully

Tweet Be prepared to defend your academic record. Students may transfer for any number of reasons including to change their school environment, find a school closer to home, seek a

Collegiate Sports NCAA Football

Why the Big East Will Eventually Implode

Tweet Big East’s survival is still in doubt. This time next year, the Big East Conference may have as many as 19 teams playing basketball. That’s up from the 16

Personal Advice

Little Known Ways to Get Your Name Out There

Tweet But, when it comes to getting your name out there for your prospective employers, this is one area where you still need some schooling. Rest assured there are a