Mining The Scholarship Field: You Can Do It



One of the most popular forms of assistance for rising and current collegians are scholarships, financial awards offered to help cover a portion of your higher education expenses. If you are particularly gifted athletically or academically, your school may cover your costs in full. For the vast majority of students, mining the scholarship field is critical toward achieving success.

Who Is Qualified?

There are any number of criteria which can be used to determine whether you should be awarded a scholarship or not. Most scholarships are offered by private organizations, companies, and associations, therefore their application rules will vary. It is important for you to determine what you must do in order to qualify and then to follow those instructions perfectly.

How scholarships are awarded:

Based on need — if you don’t have the means to pay for college, some scholarships are targeted to reach out to you.

Based on ethnicity — you may belong to a particular ethnic group who wants to see their young people succeed. The United Negro College Fund is probably the most well known ethnic-based scholarship fund out there.

Based on merit — as mentioned earlier, if you had excellent grades while in high school or are a promising athlete, your college costs could be covered.

Based on your school — some schools offer scholarships directly to students in a bid to attract a diverse student population.

Where can you find them?

Scholarships are offered through national foundations as well as through local organizations, associations, etc. including:

Local Clubs — Check with your Women’s Club, Kiwanis, or other civic organization to see if they are offering scholarships. Many do, but you’ll need to apply directly to them in order to be eligible.

Churches — Depending on your denomination, your church may offer a scholarship to the institution of your choice or to an affiliated college.

Labor Unions — If your father or mother belongs to a labor union, some will offer scholarships to the children of union members.

Businesses — Companies desiring to impact their communities are often good sources for scholarships. Some set up separate foundations while others prefer to give back to the community directly.

Finally, check with your school’s guidance counselor to learn what scholarships are available to you and do a “college scholarship” internet search to see what you uncover.

Billions of dollars are awarded to students annually, reducing a financial burden for hundreds of thousands of students across America.

Further Reading:

Can You Spot A Scholarship Scam?

Knowing About Scholarships

Student Aid Center


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Categories: College Budgeting, Finance