There will be so many opportunities to try new things in fresher’s week so you should aim to try as many of them as possible to get the most out of your experience! However, with such an amazing start to university life, it can be difficult to adjust into ‘normal’ student life after the week is over and the dust (and neon face paint) has settled.
Therefore we’ve put together some tips for that period where you realise you’re actually there to work, not just spend money and party! If you manage to get on top of things early enough it should be a nice easy process, too.
Work out a suitable budget to get you through until your next loan
At the risk of sounding like a parent, you’ll no doubt have spent a small fortune during fresher’s week, so your bank balance will definitely benefit from giving it a break for a week or two. Find out the exact date that you’ll receive your next loan instalment and any other sources of income and how much you have to last you until then.
Budgeting won’t come naturally to everyone; especially if you’ve never had to worry too much about money before (when living with your parents) so seek out advice on student budgeting if you need to. You can even download apps for your phone now to help you.
Keep in touch with home
Your feet have probably barely touched the ground during fresher’s week, and as that settles down, some students can experience a bit of homesickness as this will be the first time that the reality of being away from home has really hit them. Life after fresher’s week can feel a little serious at first until you’re fully settled in and end up having loads of fun again. Therefore keeping in touch with home is a really good idea, especially as you’ve probably not checked in with home much during fresher’s week madness!
Student halls is a fantastic environment too as you’ll be living with people in really similar situations to yourself. If you’re feeling a little down, organise a night in with your flatmates complete with rubbish DVDs, drinks and games. Halls like provide the perfect homely environment, so you’ll all no doubt be feeling at home in no time together!
Get your work organised as early as possible
Again, this may sound a little boring but the best way to avoid feeling overwhelmed in terms of the work side of university is to get on top of your work from the get go. During your first few lectures and seminars, you should soon have a good idea about your first deadlines and exams, so make a note of them on a big wall calendar and stick it up somewhere where you can see it every day.
Getting your work organised early on will make things so much easier when the deadlines do draw nearer which will definitely benefit you in the long run as you’ll be nice and relaxed and free to party whilst others are stressing over word counts!
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