This is not only embarrassing but it is also disastrous. Imagine you are in the middle of a mountain trail and your bicycle breaks down. You have no tools or if you do, you probably have no idea what to do with them. In This Ultimate Bicycle Maintenance Guide by will help you a lot. I think if you read this guide you need nothing more for your lovely Bicycle maintenance.
This is why I have decided to come up with a very informative infographic to help everyone who might be wondering what it means to maintain a bike on their own. In this infographic, I have detailed all the different parts of a bicycle and how each part interconnects to help bikers understand them. You will also get a rough idea of the kind of tools you must always carry with you whenever you are out in the wild having fun with your bike.
It is important to understand that just like a car; a bicycle will need periodic maintenance even if it does not show any signs of fault. One thing that most people do not probably understand is that even when the bike is in storage, it will still need to be maintained. This is because improper storage could also lead to damage on your bike.
For those who have been quick to rush their bicycle to a repair shop in case there is a problem with it, it is your turn to take matters into your own hands now. Remember, you will be able to save up on a lot of money and time when you choose to learn this important information.
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