Freshman orientation is a way for the students to become familiar with the campus, its services, meet other students and assist them to register for oncoming fall classes. The core function of freshman orientation, however, is to prepare you for a successful first year of college.
What do you do at orientation?
Here, the most critical task one has is to familiarize yourself with college life. One is urged to attend the informational sessions, the sessions on how to know yourself, and advising sessions. During orientation, you learn about the campus’ general rules, the school’s policies, the honor codes and much more. You are provided with a lot of valuable information during this orientation process in the hope that this will help you familiarize yourself better with the institution.
During the evenings, we have fun activities that encourage the freshmen to mingle and make new friends. Some of these activities include games, parties, and sports competitions. The college’s goal is for the student to become well versed with the institution so that in the coming fall, you can start your life without any hiccups.
Why is orientation so important? A platform to ask questions
Orientation offers a unique opportunity to know all you can about the institution. You can ask any and all questions you have on the college. Odds are these is also someone wondering about the same thing as you are. Do not hesitate to speak up and let your questions be answered. If you are shy or uncomfortable asking questions in a group, you can always stop a member of the staff and ask the question one on one.
Get to know the general education requirements ahead of time
A freshman’s first order of business is planning their schedule. When doing this, it is important to get some of your general education requirements taken care of. During orientation, you will be able to look over some of these requirements and see what interests you. There are usually advisors around to help you craft your schedule and get a read on general classes.
Get to know about clubs and societies on campus
During the orientation period, colleges provide information on the different clubs, societies, and organizations available on campus. If you are fascinated by sororities or fraternities, there are experts on the Greek life available to you. If you also want to know about different sports and how you can join up, this is the opportunity you are looking for.
Orientation is critical to starting a life on campus. It will give you an opportunity like no other to interact with different people both on the student’s side and also on the faculty side. It will help you manage your expectations about the college, tour the campus, make friends and experience campus life. Share this article with all your friends on social media and let’s get hyped up for college!!
The Freshman 15: Ways To Prepare For Orientation
- Campbell Biology 11th Edition 9780134093413 0134093410
- Lisa A. Urry, Michael L. Cain, Steven A. Wasserman, Peter V. Minorsky, Jane B. Reece
- Pearson
- Margaret L. Lial, John Hornsby, Terry McGinnis
- Pearson
- Edition no. 8 (02/07/2015)
- Jane B. Reece, Lisa A. Urry, Michael L. Cain, Steven A. Wasserman, Peter V. Minorsky, Robert B. Jackson
- Pearson
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