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College Planning

How Can Military Veterans Get Ready for College?

Military veterans have to deal with many big changes. Transitioning from military service into the civilian life can be quite taxing and confusing initially.

Campus Life

The Ultimate Dog Lover’s Pet Guide for College Students! (Part 2/2)

It’s no secret that raising or caring for a dog can be a very exciting experience. However, that experience does come with some up’s and downs, all due to the process of adjusting.

Online Education

4 Online Degrees That Are Actually Worth Your Time & Money

It can be difficult determining if an online program is right for you. There are lots of degrees that you can receive that may not provide you with the most benefit.

Campus Life

The Ultimate Dog Lover’s Pet Guide for College Students! (Part 1/2)

Tweet How to find the perfect breed of dog for a petcontinues to part 2 When it comes to the perfect dog breed based on personal preferences, you may already

Education Tips

How to Beat Procrastination in College

I was the greatest procrastinator of all the procrastinators that ever lived. Okay, that was an exaggeration but just to give you the full picture.

Collegiate Sports

Here are 3 Ideas for Studying on the Pitch

Obviously, most jocks and cheerleaders would rather be occupied in the football pitch or basketball court instead of being held up in a library doing some boring reading.

Collegiate Sports

4 Main Reasons why American College Athletes Should be Compensated

Besides academics, athletics is another part of college life we shouldn’t ignore. Why..? Just look at how many adults outside colleges also show high interest in college games.

College Search

How to Decide Which College Best Suits You

Tweet You are finally done with high school, the excitement is quite imminent but also, very short-lived. The hunt for the college begins and so does the pressure of choosing

Career Planning

5 Tips to Being Successful in Your Career after College

Graduating from college and entering the working world is a very big moment in anyone’s life. For those that are about to enter the real world, beginning to work full-time can seem like a big challenge.


What is the Best Kind of Laptop for College Students?

Tweet Discussions and modules are also posted online for students to read and participate in. So as you can see, without a laptop, learning in college is difficult. But, not

Collegiate Sports

What I Took With Me From my Life as a College Athlete

College… the word itself seems to be intimately linked with nostalgia. Like some alternate dimension where the mundane rules of the real world are suspended for four glorious years.

Education Tips

5 Things to Know Before Returning to College

You’re stuck in a rut. You feel like your career is stalled and you just don’t know where to go from here…