Many students past and present have stayed up late at night to cram for the big exam or to finish that critical research paper. Good idea? Maybe not.
Here’s how sleep – and the lack of it – affects how you learn. Here are two reasons why sleep improves performance and why a lack of sleep inhibits it.
The Role of Adenosine in Helping You Feel Alert
According to, sleep helps clear the body of adenosine. A chemical used in cell transfers, adenosine builds up in the body while you are awake and helps make you feel sleepy at the end of the day. A lack of sleep hinders this necessary process and keeps you from feeling alert.
The Importance of Sleep Following Learning
Three clear brain activities are involved in Learning and the Brain: acquisition, consolidation, and recall of information. A lack of sleep negatively affects the brain’s ability to process all three of these activities.
The most important time for sleep seems to be immediately following a lesson, for example, cramming all night before a test. Without sleep, the brain is not alert and is less able to receive, remember, and recall the information gathered from the lesson.
Sleep appears to be, in part, a time for recovery for both your mind and your body.
Image Credit: Pixabay
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