Technology in Education: An Ally or a Foe?

Technology in Education: An Ally or a Foe?
  • Opening Intro -

    Our world today is dominated by a fast-paced type of living and economy.

    One big factor to that is the rise of the computer age where every facet of living had already been computerized.

    We can say the same when it comes to our education system.


Usually, then, big blackboards, chalks, homework and school gardens sum up everyone’s school-age days. But just recently, we witnessed how computers had invaded our school curriculums. Various technological stuff had replaced our seemingly unreplaceable school mechanisms. From boards to flat-screen monitors, chalks to digital writing media and laptops, and sometimes physically present teachers to skype monitored classes.

The effects of technology on education.

We cannot argue what kind of lift computerization had done to the education system. It created a fast-paced and highly accurate learning environment that sometimes, mere presence would not be able to provide.

For example, usually then, for a student to find peculiar answers to the professor’s homework, he’ll need to walk by libraries just to get answers for that specific question.

Now, with just a few finger flicks, you’ll be having the answers at the comfort of your palm. This is the same case for teaching. Learning materials are at a wide range, maybe as wide as to how far can Google reach.

Disadvantages of technology in education

Though, the advantage never comes without its disadvantages. In 2017 a study was conducted and it was shown that at least one in eight or 13.7% of Americans were diagnosed with Internet Addiction. They found it difficult to stay away from internet usage.

Not only that, the vast broadness of the worldwide web present serious challenges to parents as access to pornography, unrated games and application not suitable for you children are easily accessible.

Does it do good or harm?

Like a sharp knife, it will do its intended purpose if it will be used accordingly. A knife can chop food and all sorts of things, but if we will be using them as a weapon, it will obviously be of harm to ourself and to others.

other valuable tips:

Same goes with the spreading technology if we can strictly adhere to its very purpose to the education system and with proper guidance, our future will be bright and our sons and daughters will benefit from it.

But if we will not be careful, the main reason why technology was introduced to the education system which is our youth, will easily perish.

Be responsible. We can act now to educate the next generation and promote awareness to the responsible use of technology in schools. Let us start the crusade.

Image Credit: Pixabay

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Categories: Technology