7 Steps on How to Handle College While Pregnant

7 Steps on How to Handle College While Pregnant
  • Opening Intro -

    Being pregnant while attending college can be very challenging.

    Dealing with pregnancy itself and also facing your studies every day is tough as well.


Being pregnant while attending college can be very challenging. Dealing with pregnancy itself and also facing your studies every day is tough as well. But on top of all that, it is possible to get a college degree while having a baby.

So, if you’re a woman who is pregnant while studying in college, here are 5 important tips for managing studies while being pregnant:

1. Take fewer classes

Studying in college (or University) is very demanding and time-consuming sometimes. I recommend looking for a realistic school schedule in order to finish your studies. For example, take subjects at least every week, twice a week, rather than taking classes each day. This will make it easier for you to study while pregnant.

2. Don’t take summer classes

Summer classes can be very tough, especially for pregnant women. So, don’t register for summer classes because it will make you very stressed. Just take regular school and get at least 1 to 2 classes if you can.

3. Choose easier classes

Being pregnant can be very tough when dealing with the symptoms. So, take classes that are less stressful.

You might take those classes that aren’t part of your major and then look back to the most important major when you’re feeling better (or done delivering your baby.)

4. Talk to your professors

Remember, you’re pregnant, and being pregnant, you have to deal with going to the restroom just to pee. I’m not saying that you need to ask for better treatment than others.

But it is important that your professor needs to know about your situation.

Don’t be afraid of telling them that you’re pregnant, talk to them about your pregnancy, to help them understand that you can’t take plenty of classes each day.

5. Ask for help

If you still can’t decide which classes to take while you’re pregnant, don’t hesitate to ask your partner or family to help you study. You can also ask your professor for help. Remember, they are there to help you graduate. Knowing that you’re pregnant, they will understand your situation and will tell you what classes you need to take.

6. Eat well

Always remember to eat your breakfast, lunch, and dinner to keep you strong and energetic while in class. Pregnant or not, when your stomach is empty, you can’t concentrate on your studies and that will lead to a bad habit. So, eat your food, remember, your baby is also eating.

other valuable tips:

7. Take a break

If you feel bad every day and can’t concentrate on taking classes while being pregnant, then stop. You are just taking care of yourself. Don’t be disappointed and think that you’re a failure of a student, you know you go back to school when you’re ready to take all the classes. Just take a break and do what is best for you.

Image Credit: handle college while pregnant by Pixabay

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Categories: Student Health