Here are a few signs you’re pushing yourself too hard in college.
Exhaustion and Sleep Issues
Are you staying up all hours of the night to catch up on assignments because you had no time during the day? Are you constantly tired but still have trouble sleeping at night? This may be a sign that you’re overworked.
Not getting a full seven to eight hours of sleep each night can cause you to be irritable and make dangerous mistakes throughout the day. For example, driving around campus while drowsy can be extremely dangerous.
Frequent Illness
Having a cold every once in a while is normal, but frequent sickness is a sign of a greater problem. If you find yourself frequently ill, it may be due to excessive stress or a lack of the proper rest and nutrients your body needs.
Recurring Headaches or Stomach Aches
Constant headaches and stomach aches are a sign of excess stress. If you experience these pains often, there may be portions of your daily life that are causing you too much stress.
Taking the time to determine what is creating the stress can help reduce your headaches or stomach aches. For example, overworking yourself at a part-time job may be causing you to feel stress elsewhere. Consider cutting back on hours at your job to regain your health.
Becoming Forgetful
Our brains often need a break just as much as the rest of our body. Piling on too many commitments can cause you to forget simple tasks, plans, or little details throughout the day. The feeling of forgetfulness can often create more stress as well once you realize you’ve forgotten something important.
Frequent Fighting and Lashing Out
Frequent fighting and lashing out against loved ones and friends can be a sign that you’ve been pushing yourself too hard. When the stress begins to hurt your relationships, take a step back to determine how you can prioritize important relationships and daily responsibilities.
Falling Grades
Grades are a big indicator of whether you’re prioritizing your time properly in college. After all, the main focus of attending college is academics. While working as a well-rounded student who is part of organizations and is working towards real-world experience is important, you still need to put your academics first. Allow yourself enough time to put your grades first, and other success will follow.
other valuable tips:
Healthy Students: Causes of Stress in College Students
Top Ways to De-Stress and Stimulate Your Brain at the Same Time
Another common sign you’re pushing yourself too hard in college is isolation. Isolation can vary depending on your social preferences. While some people may spend every weekend out with friends, others prefer a much tamer schedule.
Regardless, if your usual social calendar begins to dwindle due to feeling behind in schoolwork or if you’re uninterested in spending time with friends, push yourself to make plans. You’ll be surprised how much of a difference a little quality time can make in your mood.
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