How to Get Your Students Motivated During COVID-19

How to Get Your Students Motivated During COVID-19
  • Opening Intro -

    The COVID-19 pandemic affected jobs, hobbies, sports, entertainment, and various other activities throughout the world as countries chose to shut down to control the spread of the virus.

    One of the activities affected was education.


Teachers who had planned a year of teaching their students in-person had to transform their teaching plans to an educational platform within days.

Teachers across the world have expressed frustration at the difficulty of keeping students motivated during distance learning. Engaging lessons are possible when teaching from afar; keep your students motivated with these tips.

Make a Plan

You had a plan for teaching in the classroom, and the same should hold during distance learning. Make a daily plan that includes time for taking attendance, reviewing topics from the day before, fun activities, teaching, and going over any assignments. Leave time for questions and for breakout sessions that allow students to work as a group.

Get Their Attention

Start each day off with an activity to get the students’ attention. This could be with a science experiment, a fun video, reading a book, playing a game, or asking a fun question that gives everyone a chance to discuss.

Add Variety with Challenges, Quizzes, and Assessments

No one wants to listen to a lecture for an hour but sometimes lectures are necessary. Unfortunately, a lecture that worked in the classroom may not be as effective during distance learning.

Students who are learning at home are often distracted by family members, games, and toys in their homes. This can make long lectures ineffective.

Add variety to your lessons with different challenges, quizzes, and assessments to switch things up and determine how well your students are retaining information.

Make Distance Learning Fun and Appealing

One of the best aspects of distance learning is the wide variety of multimedia options available to keep lessons fun and appealing. Distance learning games, videos, songs, virtual field trips, and memes can make lessons more fun for students.

One option is to use a meme generator to make memes that go along with lessons; this option may be especially appealing to middle and high school students.

Switch Topics Often

The frequent use of technology by students has decreased the attention span of children and teenagers. One way successful teachers keep the attention of their students is by switching the topic or activity often.

Teach a portion of the lesson, give the students plenty of time to do the work on their own and then switch topics or do a different activity to keep students engaged.

Make Learning Social

One of the most fun aspects of school for students is the opportunity to socialize with their peers and friends while learning. For those who are distance learning from home, the opportunity to socialize with others may be greatly diminished. This could potentially lead to many students feeling disengaged, isolated, and depressed. Use this time to make learning from a distance as social as possible.

Encourage students to talk to one another in the chatbox, allow them time to visit, do breakout rooms in distance learning sessions where they can discuss topics and work on projects together or make use of online forums for class discussions.

Give Students a Say

Get your students involved in learning by asking their opinion. Let your students have a say in their education by asking them how they would like the course to be structured.

This can be done using an online poll or an emailed survey. By allowing them to participate in the structure of the course, students make be more likely to be involved in their learning.

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Take Care of Yourself

Teachers have one of the most difficult jobs during the COVID-19 pandemic. They are responsible for transforming teaching plans for a distance learning platform, checking on the well-being of students, and helping their own children learn.

This can be an overwhelming and stressful time for even the best teacher. Make sure you are taking time to take care of yourself.

Take some time for yourself each day away from teaching and grading and give yourself plenty of time to get ready each morning, even if you are teaching from home. When you feel good, you will be better able to teach.

One of the most rewarding aspects of teaching is being able to reach your students and see them understand new topics. Changing your teaching style to engage your students from a distance can allow you to reach your students in new ways and improve your teaching.

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Categories: Online Education