What Traits Do the World’s Most Popular LMSs Have?

What Traits Do the World’s Most Popular LMSs Have?
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    There are so many online learning platforms that people think that it's all the same which one they choose.

    However, the rise of LMSs led to many rotten eggs, to call them as such, which offer a pretty inefficient learning experience.


That’s why we will examine all the traits the world’s most popular LMSs have.

Reducing time and cost

Although you cannot rush the learning process, a solid learning management system (LMS) should be efficient in itself. Of course, online learning cannot supplant live, offline classes but it can definitely reduce education costs and save you a lot of time (e.g. commuting).

This is achieved by using the right set of tools, apps, and learning techniques that are incorporated in the desired LMS. For instance, if you take a language curse, the second lesson shouldn’t be about cooking but greetings or names of family members.

There is more than one method of tracking progress

It has long been argued that standardized testing doesn’t truly reflect students’ skills and knowledge. However, inline learning comes with the perk of customized tests, from the placement test to the final exam. Instead of merely grading learners’ knowledge, these tests serve the purpose of measuring progress.

Even when students don’t do well in tests prepared for the LMS, they are not discouraged from learning. Quite the contrary, even the slightest improvement is recorded by the platform and offered to the student to motivate them.  

The best LMSs are scalable

Speaking of evaluation, the best way to track the learning progress is to establish stages and/or modules. This way, you segment the learning progress, i.e. you make it scalable. This makes the LMS convenient for long-term use and helps you expand the learners’ base.

Furthermore, a scalable learning plan is ideal for drawing the users’ attention, as they will be more likely an LMS that isn’t too hard or too easy.

When a learning platform is scalable, then user retention is higher because if they are happy with one course, they are more likely to complete another course or stage.

All learning materials are kept in one place

Many LMSs provide links to external online sources. They are using the power of the Internet and the abundance of materials and sources found there but at the same time, this is one of LMSs’ biggest drawbacks.

Namely, once some of the content becomes inaccessible, learners suffer and lose the motivation to learn. That is why e-learning resources should all be kept in one place, i.e. platform. You might have to scrap some files but the best LMS e-learning platform stores content online in one place.

Social media and LMS

The refusal to incorporate social media links and even content in modern LMSs is the surest way for them to fail. Whether it’s sharing their test scores on Facebook or using an Instagram image as a learning tool, social media should be integrated with your LMS.

The importance of social media networks lies in the fact they facilitate social learning, which is precarious in an online environment. Using the same example of a language learning platform, you cannot have a native speaker to learners in person but you can have them make a video call to students.

Reliability is a must

Users are used to receiving great customer and technical support, so when they encounter any sort of difficulties, they will switch to another, more reliable LMS. When learners are unable to open a lesson or the aforementioned video call lags, users at the very least start doubting your platform.

In most cases, online learning platforms are pretty solid but as their popularity rises and more and more people log in at once, the website can go down. That’s why hiring great web developers is essential for ensuring there are no hitches with the platform.

Personalized learning

Once you ensure that everything is running smoothly, the LMS should be tweaked to meet every learner’s individual needs. People learn in different ways and what is an OK method for some, won’t yield any results for other people.

Every user should have a personalized learning path. Essentially, you don’t have to produce extra materials but rather specify the order in which users access courses and receive materials. Such customization ensures every user feels as if they are getting a special learning program tailored to their needs and skills.

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The aesthetics

We’ve mentioned earlier that you should hire great web developers and educators but you’ll need experienced graphic designers as well. Namely, the learning platform has to be appealing to users in addition to being functional and bug-free.

One way to make learning more fun is to create a mascot to guide learners both through the platform and various levels of course material.
These are the top 8 traits a top-notch LMS should have. As you develop the platform further, you will learn of novel ways you can engage learners, ensuring they are well-motivated and interested in unlocking extra courses and/or material.

Mike is an Australian business consulting specialist. He’s working with companies that outsource their IT maintenance. He often writes about technology, business and marketing and is a regular contributor on several websites.

Image Credit: popular LMSs by envato.com

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