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Campus Safety Featured

Holiday Safety Tips for College Students in 2021

The holidays can be an enjoyable time, but can also bring risks if proper safety precautions are not taken. Some groups are more vulnerable to these risks than others, including college students.

Job Search

College Internships: Can You Land One During Pandemic?

For many, it’s been over a year of confinement inside their house staring at a computer screen. At this point, you might feel like you have already lost time both for social and professional growth.

Featured Personal Advice

Interesting Hobbies That Help You Meet New People

Exploring your passions with other people is a great way to make new connections. Check out some exciting hobbies that can help you do exactly that!

Campus News

How are Mobile Apps Changing the College Campus?

App development is on the rise, and with apps, it becomes easier for businesses and educational institutions to leverage the best user experience. Helping the students achieve greater efficiencies is one of the targeted objectives of mobile apps today.

College Living Featured

5 Ways You Can Improve Your College Campus

Do you want to foster a happy and comfortable college campus for students? Well, check out our five ways you can improve your college campus for great tips.

Campus Cars Featured

4 Important Parts of Your Car Engine to Look After

A single mechanical issue with your car can wreak havoc on your finances and make everyday errands nearly impossible. Not everyone has to be a master mechanic, but it is a good idea to have some basic knowledge of how you’re car works.


More Than Book Smart: Tips for Teaching Your Kids to Be Emotionally Intelligent Too

One of the most overlooked predictors for a successful and happy life is emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence is a person’s ability to communicate personal feelings clearly and understand the feelings of those around them.

Career Planning

What You Need To Enter the Food Safety Field

Food safety is among the most important scientific fields. It ensures that our families and communities have access to healthy, clean meals each day.

College Living

How To Know If a Roommate Is Right for You

Dorms and apartments are elements of higher education that can excite yet intimidate you. As effective methods that introduce you to the world of independence, living on your own is a massive step towards adulthood.

College Living

Items You’ll Regret Forgetting When Moving for College

You must have spent the summer after high school graduation excitedly preparing for college. Moving for college is one of the most important times in your life. It’s the time when you leave your home.

Career Planning Featured

The Top Reasons To Study Agricultural Science

The scientific world extends beyond the beakers and scales of chemistry labs. Explore the top reasons to study agricultural science and impact the real world.

Personal Advice

4 Ways Taking a Gap Year Can Help College Students Grow

It is becoming more and more popular for students to take a year away from school between high school and college; this is called a gap year and is being encouraged by counselors and educational institutions worldwide for many reasons.