College is not just like high school: you are on your own for the first time and you are getting your first taste of adulthood.
During your first day, it’s easy to get along with everyone as everybody is still a bit confused and trying to find out how this college thing works, but soon people start forming groups which means you might feel left out.
You are probably scared and wondering how to make a good first impression so you can charm your classmates and teachers alike, isn’t it? Well, to be honest, it’s not very complicated, costly or time-consuming.
In this article, I will explain how to make a good first impression in college so the rest of your days go as smoothly as the first.
Dealing With Your Teacher
First, we will explain how to make a good impression on teachers, which is not very difficult: get to class on time and regularly, ask questions every time you need to, ask to meet them during office hours if there’s something you don’t understand and the job is pretty much done.
If you want to get ahead of the game, observe each teacher attentively and figure out what’s their “vibe”: some professors are really formal and want to be treated as an authority, while some professors prefer distanced classes and want to be friends with their class. Try to find out how your teachers prefer to be treated, and adapt.
Dealing With Your Classmates
Next, we have a more complicated ordeal: making a good impression on your classmates. As I stated before, it’s usual to be a bit lost during the first days, so people tend to get along really easily; but after the novelty wears off people start forming groups which might end up with you feeling left out.
However, there are also easy solutions for this. Go to class during the first day, as this will give you a headstart on making acquaintances. Do not be afraid to approach people, too: everybody’s just as scared as you so they’ll be delighted if they are approached by a polite, friendly classmate.
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After this, do your best to join extracurricular activities that interest you, or join study groups: both are great ways to spend time with people outside of class.
Also, do not be afraid to ask for help from your peers in the subjects you don’t fully get, and reciprocate the favor by offering help in the subjects you master. Both are great ways to make friends, meet new people and make yourself seem like an approachable person.
So, all in all, be a good pupil, be a good classmate, be friendly, polite and approachable but most importantly, be yourself ! Everybody loves a genuine soul, and while you could easily be a second rate copy of someone, you are the only one who can be a first-rate you!
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