Posts From saycampuslife-admin
Tips for Balancing Your Life as an International Student
Are you getting anxious thinking about your life studying abroad? Our tips for balancing your life as an international student can help quell your nerves.
Is Working From Home the Right Choice for You?
Working from home can be the perfect scenario for one person and a total nightmare for another. Here’s how to decide which is right for you.
Amenities That Every College Campus Should Have
Are you searching for ways to enhance your college campus for the student body? Check out some of the top amenities every college should offer.
5 Ways To Build Team Spirit Among Student Athletes
Team spirit isn’t something that happens overnight. Here are five practical ways to build team spirit among student athletes that you can try right away.
Why You Shouldn’t Waste Paper in College
You might be tempted to crumble up that notebook paper you messed up one-too-many words on during the lecture, but think twice before you waste paper.
Essential Skincare Advice for College Students
Discover simple, effective skincare tips for college students. Learn how to cleanse properly, moisturize, and protect your skin for a clear complexion.
4 Tips for Planning a Safe and Successful Campus Event
If you’re a college student looking to try your hand at event planning, explore some of these helpful tips for creating a successful event on your campus.
Bridging Technology and Traditional Art in Higher Education
Modern innovations have changed how we create and appreciate art. This shift is especially evident in higher education, where students and educators blend traditional art with digital resources.
Work Smarter: Top Chromebook Hacks for College
Unlock your Chromebook’s full potential in college. Experience seamless productivity with practical hacks, including essential tools and virtual desks.
Reasons To Keep an EMS Kit in Your Dorm Room
College life is an exciting adventure filled with new experiences and challenges. While the focus often remains on academics and social activities, safety is equally important.
6 Reasons Backpacks Beat Totes for College
Ditch the tote and navigate college with backpacks that can carry your essentials effortlessly. Their ergonomic design and modern styles can impress anyone.
5 Ways To Encourage Students To Use On-Campus Laundry
College life is a lot to juggle. If you’re a campus administrator, here are several effective ways to encourage students to use on-campus laundry facilities.