Tag "Student Loans"

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Campus News

Student Aid Bill of Rights Signed by Obama

President Barack H. Obama has made good on one of his higher education promises. On Tuesday the president signed a memorandum at Georgia Tech in Atlanta instructing the Department of Education and other federal agencies to discover ways to help students with loan repayments.

Personal Advice

Money Challenges and the College Student

If you are a college student, then you are familiar with the financial challenges experienced by most collegians.

Campus News

ECMC to Purchase Most Corinthian College Campuses

Corinthian Colleges, Inc., has the distinction for being one of the largest post-secondary education companies in the United States. It also has the dubious distinction for participating in allegedly shady practices.

Student Loans

Are Student Loans Worth It? Five Careers That Pay Off

If you’ve been following the news, you’re well aware that student loans are one of the biggest hot-button issues to emerge from this latest election cycle.

FAFSA Form Tips

FAFSA: Apply Early for Financial Assistance

If you are looking to save thousands of dollars on college expenses each year, the first place to start is with your Free Application For Student Aid or FAFSA. By filling out a FAFSA in January, you can get your application in early and you may qualify for financial assistance from the US Department of Education.

Campus News

For-Profit Colleges Fight Back Against Obama Administration Ruling

For-profit colleges have been battling negative publicity for some time, including various Obama administration rules such as a new “gainful employment regulation” that they say violates federal law.

Campus News

New Rules for Federal PLUS Loans Announced

Borrowing money to pay for college is a given for many families. One obstacle, however, has been creditworthiness or what determines your ability to repay your student loans.

Student Loans

How to Avoid Student Loan Default

If you default on your student loans, you will put your credit rating in jeopardy. At least one in 10 college graduates and former students have defaulted on their loans, money that still must be repaid with few exceptions.

Campus News

Corinthian Colleges Hatches Deal With US to Stay Open

Critics of for-profits colleges and universities point to Corinthian Colleges as a reason why such schools should not be in operation.

Student Loans

How to Whack Student Loan Debt

You’ve finished your education and now the bills are starting to come in. Student loan bills, that is. If you’re fortunate, you have a job to help pay for your loans. If not, you may be able to seek a deferment, at least for a little while.

Career Planning

I Can’t Find Work: Now What?!

With a degree in hand you’re ready to take on the world. Trouble is, the world is not supplying the job you thought was waiting for you. Instead, your chosen field has dried up and the only job openings will come about when someone retires or new positions are created.


College Money: How to Get It

The sticker price for most colleges and universities is just that: a suggested amount that you will pay for the upcoming academic year.