College costs continue to surge, rising at a pace that is at least twice the rate of inflation. At some private universities the cost of tuition, room, board, books and related expenses has pushed the annual expenditure above the $40,000 mark, well out of reach of so many families.
The Burden Has Been Lifted At Some Elite Private Universities
We reported recently on SayCampusLife that many private universities are now helping to cover student costs, thereby removing an important financial burden from the backs of students and their families. This is terrific news for many students who can now study without worrying how they will ever pay off their student debt.
For students attending public colleges, no such relief is available. However, Kiplinger’s magazine has posted a report online titled, “100 Best Values in Public Colleges” which gives people a glimpse at the schools offering the best bang for the buck.
In the Kiplinger report, the magazine ranks schools for in-state and out-of-state students costs, quality measures and financial aid measures. Although relief on the order of what the Ivy League schools isn’t available, student aid has made quite a few schools affordable for many students.
The University of North Carolina — Chapel Hill Tops The List
At the top of the Kiplinger list is UNC – Chapel Hill, the leading school in the 16 college UNC educational system. Although annual costs for an in-state student is $13,430, in state costs after aid is just $6,000. UNC is considered by many people to be one of the top public universities in the country.
The Kiplinger survey ranks each school by in-state and out-of-state aid and offers information about admission rates, enrollment, SAT/ACT score, student/faculty ratio, graduation rate, average student debt at graduation and more.
North Carolina isn’t the only state giving its students a break, with schools in Florida, Virginia, New York, Georgia, Washington and California also breaking the Top 10. For east coast students who pay the highest amounts for their college education, this report comes as welcome news.
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