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Fed Behind Push To Limit Remedial Education

Tweet Freshmen college students are sometimes surprised to learn that quite a few of the courses they took in high school must be repeated in college. Worse, students have to

Career Planning

Hottest Job Trends For Today’s College Grads

Tweet You’ve just walked off the stage with your degree in hand, glad that your college years are behind you, but worried about what the future holds. Despite your best


Dollars For Scholars Offers Timely College Scholarship Tips

Tweet Money is often the basis which determines what college or university a student will attend. And, in these days of pressing financial needs, many students are likely to find

Education Tips

Summer Campus Visits Can Reveal Much

Tweet I’m a firm believer in that prospective college students who want to get a strong sense for what a school is all about should make their campus visits during

Fun News

Congratulations to the Class of 2009!

Tweet For most college students, the academic year has come to an end with grads receiving their degrees and heading off to new challenges and ventures. High school students are

Online Education

A Closer Look At Online Schools

Tweet prides itself in keeping up with all of the latest college trends, particularly as relating to the various schooling options available for today’s students. We realize that many


Is Your School Mascot Politically Correct?

Tweet Over the past twenty years, it seems that so many sports teams have come under fire for their chosen nicknames. Cleveland Indians. Notre Dame Fighting Irish. Washington Redskins. These

Campus News

Private Colleges Confirm Higher Grad Rates

Tweet Your high school student is looking at attending one of two colleges.  Her first choice is State University with its huge campus, big athletic program and amazing technological center

Campus News

Despite Recession, College Gift Money Still Flowing

Tweet Most colleges and universities across the country benefit from the generosity of donors whether they be alumni, corporations or other supporting patrons. Public and private schools alike welcome gifts

Campus News

Providence Mayor Proposes Taxing Private School Students

Tweet The largest city in the geographically smallest state in the nation is proposing to implement a tax that would impact students attending the four private universities located within its

Career Planning

Temp Employment May Be Grad’s Best Option

Tweet You’ve just received your degree, completing four years of mind bending studying to reach your goal. Before starting college, things looked so very promising, the prospects for a career

Collegiate Sports

National Lacrosse Championships Are In Full Swing

Tweet Growing up in New Jersey, lacrosse was a sport that had been around for quite some time, embraced by a few high schools here and there. During the 1970s,