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7 Secret Discounts for College Students

After spending thousands of dollars on tuition, fees, and books, college students may have little money left for other things. But there is an advantage to having limited funds: numerous retailers offer college students discounts, including deep price breaks, in a bid to win new business.

Campus Life Technology

An Overview of the iPad 2

Tweet The iPad 2 is the second generation of ipad tablet computers whose origin is from the giant computer company called Apple. This new iPad primarily differs from its predecessor


5 Essential iPhone Apps for Students

Tweet By Lior Levin Today, more students are carrying smartphones than ever before and, increasingly, those phones are factoring in to how they prepare for their classes. As a result


Will the Nintendo 3DS Revolutionize Handheld Gaming?

Tweet By Justin Germino There is no doubt that the brand new Nintendo 3DS — featuring 3-D Technology without the need for 3-D glasses — is revolutionary, especially in such


4 College Laptop Buying Tips

Tweet Besides tuition, room and board, books and scads of fees, there are other expenses associated with attending college including the purchase of a laptop. Some schools offer incoming freshmen


8 Tech Gadgets Every College Student Should Consider

Tweet By Tom Tessin Every year that I look at the new, incoming freshman for the year, I’m always fascinated by the technology.  I didn’t really graduate that long ago


Will The Apple iPad Change Everything?

Tweet Rumors have been swirling for weeks that the Apple iPad would be released, but when the news went down this past Wednesday there wasn’t much else that people wanted