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Career Planning

7 After College Tips for Graduating Students

Tassel turning time will soon be here and that means nearly two million people will get their associate, bachelor’s, master’s or other advanced degree.

Career Planning

Georgetown University: College Majors, Unemployment, and Earnings

If you’re in college and have yet to declare your major or if you have already declared a major and you wonder what types of jobs are in the offing once you graduate, the latest Georgetown University report should be of interest to you.

College Training

Sage Advice for Snagging a Summer Internship

Your academic progress is certainly important to recruiters, but they want to see something else. Namely, real life experience. That experience can be hard to come by, unless you are willing to work as an intern.

Career Planning

Six Steps to Prepare for Your Career While in College

Your time in college will fly by fast. Before you know it you will be on stage, collecting your degree and turning your tassel. Hopefully, you’ll have a job offer in hand too and ready to launch your career.

Career Planning

Public Sector Jobs and the College Grad

If you are a recent college graduate or will soon be receiving your degree, you understand that the job market is a challenging one. No longer is there an ample supply of jobs for new graduates.

Career Planning

Career Choice: Logistics Analysts

Logistics analysts are also known as supply chain analysts or global logistics analysts. These professionals are tasked with analyzing product delivery or supply chain processes in a bid to identify as well as recommend changes.

Education Tips

Last Minute Tips for Summer Internships

Most colleges and universities have let out for the summer. That means students are already engaged in the pursuits they had planned for the season.

Campus News

Low-Skilled Jobs and the College Graduate

As tassels are being turned on mortarboards across the nation this spring, many college students are finding that their job prospects are not particularly good.

Education Tips

Make a College Internship Work For You

You have landed a college internship, a summer opportunity that will be over before you know it. The best thing about this job is that it will give you much needed experience and put you in a better position to launch your career after you finish college.

Career Planning

Better Resume Building Done Right

It is important to still maintain a resume even if you connect with employers chiefly online. Your LinkedIn profile can serve as a resume, but usually someone in Human Resources still prefers to see a hard copy or at least a .doc or .pdf of the same.

Education Tips

Should You Consider a Gap Year?

Finishing high school and then heading straight to college has been the practice of millions of Americans for decades. It is a rite of passage usually taken for granted, especially among professional career aspiring young adults.

Study Tips

Time Management: Homework and Employment

It is almost a given that if you’re a college student, you’ll be working too. Probably not full-time, maybe part-time, but most certainly at least some of the time. If you’re fortunate, your employer doesn’t require much of your time during the week, with the weekends when you’re putting in your most work time.