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Tips For Selecting the Right Career After Graduating

Do you really know yourself? Do you want to find a job that you will enjoy and that suits your personality and needs? If so, that’s great.

Career Planning

Increasing Your Productivity At The Workplace – Important Tips For Every College Graduate

As a college graduate, how can you ensure you are as productive as possible every day at work? The following simple tips can help increase your productivity and change your life for the better.

College Living

8 Things Only College Students can get Away With

Whether you’re currently in college or out in the “real world,” there are some things we all know college students can get away with that the rest of us just can’t.

Personal Advice

7 Things to Do While on Christmas Break

Your term paper is finished and your exams will be over before you know it. Soon, you’ll be making the long trek back home for a well-deserved break.

Campus News

Low-Skilled Jobs and the College Graduate

As tassels are being turned on mortarboards across the nation this spring, many college students are finding that their job prospects are not particularly good.

Career Planning

Better Resume Building Done Right

It is important to still maintain a resume even if you connect with employers chiefly online. Your LinkedIn profile can serve as a resume, but usually someone in Human Resources still prefers to see a hard copy or at least a .doc or .pdf of the same.

Study Tips

Time Management: Homework and Employment

It is almost a given that if you’re a college student, you’ll be working too. Probably not full-time, maybe part-time, but most certainly at least some of the time. If you’re fortunate, your employer doesn’t require much of your time during the week, with the weekends when you’re putting in your most work time.

Career Planning

Career Choice: Statisticians

If you enjoy parsing data, then pursuing a career as a statistician might be to your liking. Your strong interest in math or statistical theory can lead to a position where you collect, organize, and interpret numerical data, summarizing your findings into information that people find usable as well as useful.

Personal Advice

College Students and Christmas Break Jobs

Christmas break will be here before you know it. Some colleges finish the semester up by the first week of Dec., beginning a five-week break before classes resume in mid-Jan.

Career Planning

Career Choice: Coaches and Scouts

The next superstar could come about because you spotted and nurtured him or her while he or she was still young.

Career Planning

Career Choice: Hairdressers, Hairstylists, and Cosmetologists

Everyone likes to look his or her best, right? Thanks to the hard work of diligent professionals such as hairdressers and cosmetologists, the task of making you look good is in capable hands.

Fun News

Final Fling: What to do After Graduating College

Tweet Like travel to Europe. Or, volunteering at a church mission in South America. Perhaps even backpacking their way across the United States. In reality, many college-bound students find that