HS College Planning Tip: week of Feb 15

HS College Planning Tip: week of Feb 15
  • Opening Intro -

    Have you considered taking Advanced Placement Exams or the CLEP to test out of preliminary college courses such as pre-algebra, history and others?


About Advanced Placement

The tests are coming up. Why spend the time and cost to attend college courses you don’t need. So get yourself ready:

The exams are administered each year in the Spring with some preparation required prior to the exam. Check with your high school for exam administration, enrollment and information.

  • Information about the advanced placement program:
    the collegeboard administers the AP exams. This site has all the information you need including test programs and dates:

  • View our advanced placement prep/study guides:
    includes prep planning books and other reading materials that can help you with these exams:
    click here for advanced placement materials


More information available:



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Categories: College Planning