To a Safer and Better Spring Break
Spring break is upon us, with hundreds of thousands of college students enjoying a much-needed respite from their educational pursuits.
Georgetown University: College Majors, Unemployment, and Earnings
If you’re in college and have yet to declare your major or if you have already declared a major and you wonder what types of jobs are in the offing once you graduate, the latest Georgetown University report should be of interest to you.
You’ll Never See Your Parents and Other Boarding School Myths DEBUNKED
Tweet A big concern of many students when they go off to boarding school is keeping in contact with their family. Some believe that it will be difficult. When you
Adjunct Faculty: Their Voices Are Being Heard
Colleges and universities across the nation rely on adjunct faculty to varying degrees. That reliance typically follows an alleged need to manage costs as adjunct instructors cost far less than full-time, tenured professors.
HS College Planning Tip: week of Feb 22
Tweet Building Good Credit Before making a decision about credit cards, student loans, and other credit financing, take a brief moment to view our affiliated member site on credit card
Tips for Finding Part-Time Work On and Off Campus
If you are pinching pennies or otherwise counting every dime, then you have very little money to meet your needs. Moreover, if ramen noodles is your diet of necessity and not of choice, then you really are pinched, aren’t you?
What Should You Do With Your Money After You Graduate?
We’re not assuming you’re going to be rich. But even if you have a little bit of income, you can start to leverage it to make the most of your education, and create a better life for yourself.
College Advice That Remains Largely Unspoken
If you want to succeed at college, then following much of the tried and true advice you hear is wise. But that advice may not cover everything about college life, leaving you wondering if something unspoken should be said.
It Is Time to Sing For The Unsung Heroes!
Defining unsung heroes is difficult. The dictionary states that a hero is a person who is appreciated and admire for courage, nobility, compassion and kindness.
Textbook Saving Tips for College Students
On, we have trained the spotlight on textbook prices from time to time over the years. It hasn’t escaped our attention that what students pay for textbooks can be a real budget-buster, on top of the steep tuition and fees college students already face.
HS College Planning Tip: week of Feb 15
Have you considered taking Advanced Placement Exams or the CLEP to test out of preliminary college courses such as pre-algebra, history and others?
Sage Advice for Snagging a Summer Internship
Your academic progress is certainly important to recruiters, but they want to see something else. Namely, real life experience. That experience can be hard to come by, unless you are willing to work as an intern.