Term Paper Essentials for College Students

Term Paper Essentials for College Students
  • Opening Intro -

    As much as you may wish that you did not have to do them, term papers are a fact of academic life.

    Simply put, a term paper is a lengthy essay or dissertation, one based on a subject that may or may not be of your liking or choosing.


The work you will execute pertaining to your term paper can be exhausting because it must be exhaustive. Yet, the benefit of correctly preparing and submitting one will prove that you have mastered the assignment. The following are the conspicuous essentials for writing an exemplary term paper.

Understand the requirements. Your professor will provide guidelines or a syllabus that outlines what is required for the term paper. That guideline is usually very detailed as it will identify the length, format, focal point and other requirements that must be discharged. Carefully review the syllabus to learn what is expected from you. If there is something you are not certain about, ask the professor for clarification. The term paper guidelines must be strictly followed — to deviate can affect your grade!

Choose your topic. Chances are your professor has left the topic choice to you. That does not mean you can choose just any subject to cover, rather those that fall within the parameters outlined by the professor. Those parameters may be listed in the syllabus or they may have been articulated by the professor. Likely, both were mentioned. Likewise, choose a topic that fits within those requirements.

Prepare an outline. It is important that you outline your term paper before you commence. It is at this point you should understand what you need to assemble for your topic and how you will get there. Specifically, create an introductory paragraph and follow that with the main body. That main body will comprise the salient points of your term paper and what you will flesh out moving forward. Moreover, add a general conclusion to know where your paper is going. Your initial outline is more of a general guideline — once you heavily invest in your research, you can refine it accordingly.

Step up your research. Your term paper will succeed or fail based largely on your research. It is important that you use those kinds of sources your professor requires to prepare a proper analysis. Early on, you are on a fact-finding mission, whereby you will determine what information is available to you. Through careful exploration and experimentation with the facts, you will investigate and analyze your data, culling through extraneous information to arrive at the details essential to producing a prodigious term paper.

Go with strong references. Not only should you have the right sources, but they should be persuasive references too. Importantly, variety is what your professor wants. This means that you can’t cite the New York Times over and over again, even if the references are good ones. Equally, pulling from the same expert won’t help you either. Regardless of your approach, the number of references will only increase and correspond to the pages written. In particular, at least one reference per page is acceptable, but your professor may require at least two or three per page. As a result, you may have to utilize as many as 30 references for a 10-page assignment. Plan your time wisely as the groundwork required may overwhelm you.

Make search work for you. Today’s college students do not have to deal with card catalogs to perform their research. These days, much good information can be obtained by performing online searches to acquire sources. Specifically, you can enter your search parameters to find your material. Take note of scholarly results, including books and journals that should undergird your paper.

Use your own words. Do not think for a moment that your professor wants you to liberally quote the experts. Firstly, this does not impress academic minds. Secondly, it is plagiarism wherever you fail to attribute. Your professor wants you to present your own ideas or thinking on the topic. While you may agree with an expert, you must present a nuanced viewpoint that drives home that position.

A matter of style. You can have the best resources, the most amazing points and still do poorly with your term paper if your style is substandard. Here, is important to write with care, edit with abandon and rewrite with clarity, precision and authority. Extirpate the fluff, hone in on weak phraseology and logically build a cohesive term paper. Then, go through it all again to ensure that every fact is checked, your logic is sensible and that attribution is generously apportioned. Consecrate your very being to create a work that is beyond reproach.

Term Paper Considerations

There are some more points for you to consider as you work on your term paper.

First, get started early. Putting this project off will only mean that you will rush later on. Second, narrow your subject. If your topic is too broad, it will only make it too difficult repair later. Moreover, if it is too thin, you may not be able to append it. Third, make copies of your term paper and keep these in a safe place. A crashed computer can vaporize your work. Lastly, finish your thesis several days before it is due. Then, present it to a friend to critique before delivering the final copy to your professor.

See AlsoHow to Prepare for Final Exams


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