Social Networking in College: What Does it Mean?

Social Networking in College: What Does it Mean?
  • Opening Intro -

    With so many social networking platforms available these days, the concept of social networking has changed.


Tips and advice from another college friend of mine:

On the very first day when you step into college, many people tell you that this is your chance to make or break life. Different people will have different opinions.

One of the best things that college education offers you is the chance to get to know people. This is very important. Those of you who have already graduated and are doing jobs will know what I am talking about. People who study with you in college will remain throughout your life. Some of them will become your colleagues even.

If you have a good relationship with your colleagues, it certainly helps. So your time in college is important and it is more important that you build your network while you are there.

How to Build Your Social Network?

Let me make one thing very clear. Social networking does not mean that you have more Twitter followers and more Facebook friends. Social networking actually means that you reach out to people.

Ask that guy who is sitting alone sipping his coffee about his day. Get to know him. See what his major is and what his interests are. If you are too busy looking down at your phone, I am sorry but you won’t see him.

From my personal experience, the friends that you make this way remain with you throughout your life. This is hardly the case with friends that you make on Facebook. So build your social network actually, not virtually!

Join Clubs, Organizations and Fraternities / Sororities

College is a place where you have plenty of free time. Instead of watching T.V. in your room or playing Xbox, go out and meet people. Do something productive. Joining an organization or a club within your college is the best way to do it. It not only polishes your skills but it also helps you build your social network.

Many people argue that fraternities and sororities have no other benefit than networking. Let me ask them, is it not enough? You are getting to know so many people. In addition to that, you take part in many volunteer activities all year round. Now these activities have a lot of benefits in my point of view at least.

Take Part in Competitions, Conferences and Seminars

Conferences and Seminars are a great way to meet with like-minded people. Along with building your network, conferences and seminars help you to groom yourself professionally.

Colleges have a lot of competitions going on. If I am not wrong, there is at least one happening right now in your college. Go and take part in it. You never know who you will meet. Even if you are not taking part in it, just go and witness it. You can even get to know some professionals. This is how social networking is done peeps!

Live On Campus

Finally, choose to live on campus. Living on campus is not lame as many would tell you. Although it is a little expensive but it is worth it. My living experience on campus says that you make a lot of friends when you live on campus. I knew all the guys on my floor and many others that lived in my building. We did some crazy things together and we had fun. Having fun is important as well. But what is most important is that we still stay in contact with each other.

Now that is what real social networking is. As I said, it is not about having a friend on Facebook whom you never talk to in the entire year. Or those followers on Twitter that you don’t even know but you are happy because they share your tweets. Get social in the real world. Be open to people. Have a conversation on the go. Make small talks. Have fun and get social. Happy networking folks!


end of post idea


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Categories: Social Networking