Tag "fraternities"

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College Budgeting

College Living: Have Control Over Your Expenses

The college expenses that you will incur will largely depend on your lifestyle choices. You can get the best out of college by simply saying on a limited budget…

College Living

College Housing: Just Like Home?

When it comes time to discuss the subject of college, few conversations get around to the subject of housing. For better or for worse, however, where a student lives during his or her college years is something that deserves a lot of serious consideration.

Social Networking

Social Networking in College: What Does it Mean?

With so many social networking platforms available these days, the concept of social networking has changed.

Campus Life

Pros and Cons of Being in a Fraternity or Sorority

Pros and cons of the GreekSome people are born into fraternity and sorority life, knowing that when they get to college, they’re going to be a part of Greek life on their campus.

Personal Advice

How to Avoid Alcohol Pressure While at College

Despite a national drinking age of 21, alcohol is widely available across most of the nation’s campuses. Some schools such as Brigham Young University not only ban alcohol, but require students to adhere to an honor code. Violate the code and students can be disciplined or expelled.