How to Stop Procrastinating and Start Studying Effectively

How to Stop Procrastinating and Start Studying Effectively
  • Opening Intro -

    Remember how time flies by whenever you take out time to study!

    And the minute you get out of your day dreaming you aren't finished with even a single task and it's time to sleep.


If you want you can put a stop to procrastinating especially at the time of studying. A simple and most effective technique is pomodoro, where you spend 25 minutes productive and take a 5 minutes rest after it.

Every pomodoro cycle allows you to work or study for 25 minutes and rest for 5 minutes. There are apps that offer the pomodoro time set up, with alarms, motivational reminders and more. You still need yourself to make that commitment of not wasting time when procrastinating hits you.

Just recognize it the time it hits you and start studying. Everyone knows what is procrastination, so the next time it catches you, use it as a trigger to study.

Below are some of the tips that will help you in triggering off the procrastination cycle when it hits you.

1. Do Combined Study

Combined study works wonders in terms of grades as well has having fun. You may not realize it but you grasp more concepts during combined study than when alone. In other words, you hardly go into procrastination when with a friend.

2. Listen to a Podcast

Listening a podcast while studying will make your mind alert of what you are studying. Consider it as an audio distraction which you know you have to counteract in order to study.

It is something you can visualize as a hindrance to your study, so you are able to work more effectively against it. Whereas, procrastinating is just in your head and most of the times you cannot visualize the hindrance level it is causing in your studies.

3. Go Verbal While Studying

When you are speaking what you are studying, you are rewiring your brain to listen to what you are reading instead of what’s coming up in your subconscious mind. This is the best way of stopping yourself from procrastinating.

4. Listen to Music

Music will keep your mind alert and active and will boost up your mood to study.

5. Have a Scented Candle in Your Room

Scents and fragrances are other mood enhancers which keep you away from procrastinating, day dreaming and negative thoughts. When you feel positive you are able to make better decisions and will likely be in a better mood to study.

6. Read Inspirational Quotes, Clips or Stories

Whenever you are wandering off or not finding a reason to study, try to go through some inspirational quotes, tips and clips or stories from Pinterest, Quora, Instagram or other social media sites. These will recharge your mind to go back to study.

other valuable tips:


It’s best to take short breaks between study times to help you feel fresh and awake. Perhaps you can take a walk with your pet or help your mother prepare your breakfast before studying. Do some house chores in between to add some natural stretching exercises in your study routine.

Start studying early morning or late in the night when there is hardly any disturbance. Set a schedule and try to enjoy your studies. This way, you will look forward to studying instead of procrastinating.

Image Credit: Pixabay

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College Campus reference:

GUIDE: achieving success in life


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Categories: Study Tips