We all have at some point found ourselves in a situation where we think that we should have started something earlier. How do you avoid being a procrastinator? Below are the tips that will help you!
1. Organize yourself
This point does not only apply in academic matters. You can get rid of procrastination behavior if you organize yourself well. Keep in mind all the assignments that needs to be done and set a reminder for the same. Make sure that all the assignments are done before due time.
2. Set goals that can be achieved
We tend to procrastinate too much when the tasks ahead of us seems too big. Just make your life easier by setting goals that are simple and achievable. For example instead of planning how you are going to study a certain unit today, how about studying a certain chapter under the unit?
3. Create a to do list/schedule
After the goals are well set, the next thing is to create a schedule for them. Make sure that the schedule allows time for other things that you can’t cancel. Make sure you plan well in such a way that you will be able to do other teachers homework on time.
4. Set your own deadlines
Don’t be the “someday i will do this” kind of a person. Be the person that decides and sets the dates when certain things should be done. If its an assignment, make a point of completing it one or two days before the due date. If you do this, when something unexpected comes up you will still have the time to complete the assignment.
5. Avoid distractions
If you tend to spend much time on social media during your study time, switch off your phone. Always have a way of avoiding distractions along your projects.
6. Time yourself
Give yourself the set time to finish each task ahead of you. This will allow you centre your concentration to a certain task until it is done.
7. Give yourself a break
Don’t overwhelm your mind with school work all the time. It is good to take a break once in a while. It could be a 15 minutes break for tea, refreshment, a walk or maybe some music.
8. Use incentives
We all want a reward. Give yourself small rewards one in a while. For example if you have a certain project completed on time, you can treat yourself for lunch or watch an episode of your favorite series.
other valuable tips:
9. Have the hard stuff done first
Imagine this, once you do the hard task it is gone! Complete the challenging tasks first them move on to the simpler ones. Everything will appear easier and you will find yourself not spending much time.
10. Share your goals with someone
Share with your family or friend about your goals. That way, you will have someone responsible for them. You will not back out easily. On top of that, you will have someone to celebrate your achievements with.
Share these amazing tips with your college mates. Let’s all do away with procrastination! it is a disease!
Image Credit: Pixabay
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