5 Science Proven Time Management Tips for Busy Students

5 Science Proven Time Management Tips for Busy Students

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    There's nothing quite like the strain of a busy schedule.

    Rushing from one class to another, then off to work, then hours upon hours of research and studying.

    Not to mention, you have to have a social life at SOME POINT!


How can you possibly get everything done before midterms?! Don’t stress, the great guides to time management and all of the apps and tools are all at your fingertips! When it comes to whether it is right for YOU or not, that’s a whole other ball game!

Don’t waste your time trying out methods that may not work at ALL! In order to save you headaches and time, we’ve put together a list of great hacks for time management that is backed by science! Here are five scientifically proven time management tips for you as a busy student!

One – Schedule it Out

Breaking up your time into blocks, or block scheduling your day, is a great way to not only meet all your deadlines, but take the stress out of time management. Time blocking isn’t just for high school class schedules! It’s also for your day to day life! It’s becoming more and more popular with organizational social media influencers, busy parents, offices, billionaire CEOs, and even busy students!

It’s really easy to stay on top of your heavy workload if you have all of your prep, work, and deadlines marked out on your calendar already! Plan out your ENTIRE DAY. Including breaks, meals, work time, and even time with friends and family!

Time and time again, it’s been proven that scheduling your day out, to even include your breaks, it will help stick to your deadlines and goals.

Lists and Achieving Your Goals

When it comes to achieving a goal, meeting a deadline, or graduating with honors, it helps to make a list and to mentally visualize the accomplishment.

The research behind mentally visualizing what you want to accomplish is founded in psychology, and shows that this psychological strategy is extremely helpful in people managing their time!

Here are some tips for visualization:

  • Take a few deep breaths.
  • Think about your goal.
  • See yourself accomplishing your goal.
  • Think about the steps that need to be taken before you achieve your goal.
  • See yourself accomplishing those steps.

Once your mind is set, managing your time will be a synch!

Distractions and Procrastination

When it comes to managing your time well, your biggest enemies are going to be distractions and your own procrastination. Defeating these two mega obstacles will help you manage your time so much better!

When it comes to distractions, you need to find a space and a time that is perfect for YOU where there are no distractions. This can mean loud noises, a nosy roommate, your cell phone, music, whatever you need to keep away from you so you can work, is what needs to happen!

When it comes to beating procrastination, that is entirely up to YOU. There are lots of helpful tips to kick procrastination to the curb! Figure out how to not procrastinate or be distracted and you will be an expert of your own time!

Give Me a Break!

Studying for nine hours straight will not only be exhausting, but it may also be detrimental to accomplishing all of your projects. There is a lot of research that suggests taking breaks, at longer intervals over time, is actually BETTER than working for hours at a time.

Letting your mind rest, meditation, getting outside, scheduling your breaks, these are all great ways to actually make you a better time manager! Keep yourself on track, by keeping yourself from over doing it!

other valuable tips:

Say “No”

Sometimes, especially when it comes to realizing your dreams, you have to say no to the little things. Studies have shown that saying no to longer hours of work, saying no to the little things that won’t matter in the long run, and saying no to not putting yourself first, is a great way to say YES to your goals!

If you have a deadline, but your friends want to grab burgers, it’s ok to say no. If your boss needs you to work overtime, but you have a paper to write, it’s ok to say no. And if you aren’t putting your health, wellness, and your life first, it’s ok to say no!

Balancing Act

Time management isn’t always about working. It’s about creating a healthy balance between making your dreams reality, and living your life! Whether you schedule out your whole day, say no to things that won’t help you manage your time, or beat procrastination you can use any of these science proven tips to help you successfully manage your time!

Image Credit: Pixabay

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Amazon Bestsellers: Avoid Procrastination

Last update on 2020-03-20 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API


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Categories: Study Tips