While student loans cover certain expenses like the classes themselves, loans often aren’t enough for students to get everything they need for class. Whether you need to buy textbooks, equipment, or supplemental materials, it’s important to look into other methods to pay for them.
Read on for creative ways to get the necessary supplies you need at a cheaper price.
Buy Used Electronics Online
Before you hit up a local computer store, see if you can find the electronics you need online. It’s impossible to be a college student these days without having access to a computer. If you don’t already have a personal laptop or smartphone or you need to upgrade before school starts, consider buying used equipment online.
Look through electronics classified ads to find like-new essentials for your college classes. You can often find exactly what you need for much cheaper.
Visit Discount Stores
Take the time to find and visit discount stores. Shopping for all your supplies on campus isn’t a great way to save money. Buying basic items like notebooks, pens, pencils, and the like at discount stores is a better alternative.
Local dollar stores and other discount retailers typically sell office supplies for a dollar per item. While you won’t be able to find everything you need at the dollar store, it’s a good place to get the bulk of your school supplies.
Get Used Textbooks
Try to get used textbooks whenever possible. Textbooks are one back-to-school item that really sets college students back. With many of the newest edition textbooks going for hundreds of dollars, it’s really important for college students to find ways to lower these costs.
Thankfully, students can easily find older-edition or used textbooks online. Buying these items second hand will help you avoid paying full proof at the campus bookstore.
In addition to buying cheaper physical textbooks, consider going the digital route. Many publishers offer popular textbooks online at a significantly cheaper price than the actual textbook.
other valuable tips:
Go Thrifting for Furniture
When shopping around for your college campus essentials, don’t forget to save money on your dorm room or apartment supplies. Before you go all out at Target, start looking online and in-person for discounted deals.
For example, many college students are able to affordably furnish their dorms or apartments by visiting Goodwill or purchasing furniture through sites like LetGo.com or Facebook Marketplace. Remember: your furniture doesn’t have to look fancy, it just needs to be clean and serviceable.
If you’re moving out from your parents’ place, consider taking a few furnishings with you. This way, you have an easier time outfitting your room at no cost to you.
School can be expensive but with these thrifty ideas, you’ll be able to cut back on spending. Save money and prepare for school by following this guide to getting cheaper supplies.
Image Credit: school supplies by envato.com
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