Essential College Dorm Room Safety Tips

Essential College Dorm Room Safety Tips
  • Opening Intro -

    Attending college might be one of the most rewarding times of your life.

    However, data also suggests that students are a disproportionately high number of crime victims.


It’s crucial to your success at college to know what to look out for and how to keep yourself and your belongings safe. Moving into a dorm room for the first time is likely one of the most significant events in most college students’ lives.

Here are 10 essential college dorm room safety tips to make things easier.

Don’t forget to lock up!

About 40% of people living in a dormitory admitted leaving their doors unlocked when they were not present. Burglaries can typically occur in a few seconds in a college dormitory.

In that short time, a burglar can sneak into an open dorm room and make off with a student’s expensive electronics, wallet, handbag, and several textbooks worth over $150. You should always lock the door, even if you’re in your room.

The existence of deadbolts and peepholes is there to protect you from intruders.

Upgraded Locking Mechanisms for Dorm Rooms

The dorm security locking devices, such as the dorm security lock boxes, dorm security safes, lockers, locking cabinets for dorm rooms, etc., are among the most useful college dorm security items. While no single measure can guarantee complete safety in a college dorm, security systems are designed to give extra "layers of protection." 

Criminals prefer to operate covertly and quickly. Thus, the greater the number of layers, the greater the likelihood they will be uncovered and caught. 

Make sure you’re aware of the fire safety measures in your dorm.

As a student, you should know that dorm fires are a significant concern regarding dorm safety. Unplug your hair dryer, curling iron, or straightener when not in use, and never leave them unattended if you and your roommates use them in the dorms. Fire prevention isn’t complex as long as you keep these things in your head.

The vast majority of modern university dormitories are equipped with fire escape plans. Find out which dormitory has the shortest exits and memorize them. It’s also a good idea to remember all relevant phone numbers and know the location of the nearest emergency phone.

Don’t forget to hide your valuables.

Locking up your valuables is an essential college dorm room safety tip. A diversion safe is an appropriate piece of equipment for a college apartment.

This form of house safe is designed to mimic mundane things, such as a book on a shelf. This is a great place to keep your cash, credit cards, expensive jewelry, and other small valuables safe and secure.

For more expensive items, you may want to consider purchasing insurance to cover replacement costs in the event of theft. However, saving money is a necessary skill all college students need to possess.

Keep a record of everything you own.

If you have a list of the serial numbers for your things, the authorities will have a better idea of what to search for in the recovered objects if you become a victim of theft in the dormitories.

Suppose you want to be able to find stolen items with more than just their serial numbers. In that case, you can record objects with photos and other unique identifiers in addition to their serial numbers. A record of your possessions is an essential college dorm room safety tip.

It might be a good idea to take photos of your dorm room right after moving in, so if any accidents happen, you can handle this right away. Photos can also be a great way to prove that you didn’t cause any pre-existing damage to the room itself.

Always Know Where Your Keys Are.

It is best not to share the key to your room with anyone. Similarly,, your student ID will not suffice as proper identification.

Many schools let students pre-load money on their ID cards to make it easier to use campus services. You can find lost keys using either a smart key monitoring fob or an app on your phone.

Get some pepper spray and keep it in your bag at all times.

In a recent study, researchers asked convicted rapists what would make them stop an attack and run away. They all agreed that if a woman started spraying them with pepper spray, they would have no choice but to leave.

They said they were looking for "soft prey." Typically, a woman trying to protect herself was not worth the hassle.

Always take the elevator.

Assailants frequently target stairwells because they are difficult to spot and have limited exits. If you have to use the stairs, I recommend going with a friend.

It’s best to get off at the floor above if you find yourself in an elevator with someone who gives you the creeps. Don’t try to squeeze onto a crowded elevator; hold out for the next one.

Don’t second-guess yourself; utilize your common sense.

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Invest in Tenant Insurance.

Depending on the company, renter’s insurance can cost as little as $10 to $15 per month for a $10,000 policy. The insurance company will cover the replacement cost even if you never see your stolen laptop again.

If your car is broken into, your renter’s insurance may pay for the repairs. This is a cheap safety measure compared to how much it would cost to replace a student’s expensive electronics after a break-in.

Since there are several types of insurance valuable for college students, we advise you to take some time to get informed.

Be a good pal.

Developing friendships in your dorm is an essential college dorm room safety tip. It is especially crucial to stay together in groups when traveling for extended periods. If a close friend of yours is behaving unusually, you must pay attention.

If the person appears drunk or in need of assistance, transport them to a safe location; if you suspect a buddy has been drugged or requires medical attention due to alcohol poisoning or another reason, contact a resident assistant (RA), campus police, or 911 immediately.

Image Credit: essential college dorm room safety tips by

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Categories: Campus Safety