Career Planning
10 Smart Tips For Savvy Job Seekers
Tweet Yesterday, SayCampusLife shared tips on how using LinkedIn—the professional networking site—can be beneficial in helping you find work, particularly if you are a college senior. Today, we’re going to
The Perfect Christmas Gift: Resume Makeover
Tweet If you’re still looking for the perfect gift to give to the college student in your life, might I recommend a resume makeover? This can come in handy for
US Census Bureau Jobs Provide College Cash
Tweet Make no mistake about it: college jobs are scarce with many schools having cut back on hiring. Notably, quite a few businesses in the vicinity of even well trafficked
Should You Create Your Own Internship Opportunity?
Tweet Comedian Milton Berle once said, “If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door.” Perhaps Berle had it right – maybe the chance you’re looking for is something you can create
Working For Nothing: Are You Nuts?!
Tweet I wouldn’t have believed it unless the local news hadn’t aired the story one recent evening. It seems that a locally managed food bank had been on the hunt
Hottest Job Trends For Today’s College Grads
Tweet You’ve just walked off the stage with your degree in hand, glad that your college years are behind you, but worried about what the future holds. Despite your best
Temp Employment May Be Grad’s Best Option
Tweet You’ve just received your degree, completing four years of mind bending studying to reach your goal. Before starting college, things looked so very promising, the prospects for a career
Teacher Outlook: Cloudy At Best
Tweet My wife and I come from families where a number of people are teachers or have had teacher training. If fact, my wife taught pre-school for fourteen years and
Temporary Employment May Be New Grads Only Option
Tweet The job market right now is the grimmest it has been in twenty-five years, meaning that new college graduates will find the going difficult as they search for work