Tag "college expenses"
How to Manage Your Expenses as a College Student – The Ultimate Guide!
There is no way to bypass the cost and expenses but with a few smart decisions and a little budgeting, you may have some life left in your when it’s all over and time to graduate!
3 Sensible and Easy Bill Management Tips for College Freshmen
Being a freshman in college is like living in a world of firsts. For many, it is your first time living away from home, your first time managing life in a dorm or apartment with a roommate and the first time you are making most of your meals — except of course when you order pizza.
7 Tips on How to Set up a Budget in College
Budgeting and college don’t sound like 2 words that work especially well together. When you say college, you think about fun times, academics, new experiences and new friends. You rarely think about money, let alone a budget.
How to Join a 529 College Savings Plan
Tweet If you think that college is expensive today, fast forward to 2030 when costs may eclipse the current value of your home. Tuition and related college expenses are rising
College Tax Deductions: Do You Qualify?
Tweet January is the month when taxpayers begin to assemble all of the forms, publications, and receipts related to the 2009 tax year. By early February you should have your
Kiss Your College Bookstore Good-bye!
Tweet According to Student PIRGs, the nonprofit public advocacy group behind the Make Textbooks Affordable website, college textbook costs have increased by four times the amount of inflation since 1994.