Tag "college financing"

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Tips for Giving Your Child a Great Education

It has been proven many times that people who have a good education will be more successful in life than people who do not have this advantage.

College Search

4 Factors to Consider When Choosing a College

The best investment you will ever make is an investment in yourself. Choosing which college to attend is the first step in investing in your future.

Student Loans

What You Should Know About Private Student Loans

Tweet College students who need help funding their education will often turn to student loans as an important way to meet their financial needs. Federal Stafford loans have helped millions

Student Loans

Should You Co-Sign For A Private Student Loan?

Tweet Your adult offspring is getting ready to attend college this fall and you’re confident that she will succeed. After all, good grades, excellent study habits, and valuable extra-curricular work

Career Planning College Budgeting Education Tips Finance Scholarships Student Loans

SayStudent, Refreshed and Overhauled

Tweet As part of the nBuy Associates network of websites, SayCampusLife is associated with several other websites including SayStudent, an online destination dedicated to helping students and their families find financial aid. Just

Campus News

How Expensive Is Your College?

Tweet If you are in college or planning to attend college in the next year or two, then you are probably aware just how expensive higher education has become. Even