Think: Personal Enrichment
Lots of college students have finished up their studies for the academic year and are now embarking on a 3 month plus break from their studies. Recent grads are beginning or looking for work, but millions of other students have one or more years of studying to go before they, too, will be seeking employment.
If you’re one of the fortunate ones, your summer is already planned out and includes work, vacation, time with friends and all of the usual pursuits. But if you’re finding yourself needing something to do, the following tips can enrich your summer while also putting some money in your pocket:
1. Web Develop – Why not ask around to see if anyone you know (or their friends or associates) need to have a Web site built? You’re already skilled in all things web design, but there are enough small businesses who could use a stronger presence online…they just don’t have the major bucks to hire a design firm. This is where you come in.
2. Gadget Consult – You’re a techno-geek, familiar with every Apple product out there, you like Droid and you understand today’s technology. Lots of people need help with new products including what to buy and where to buy it. Put an ad up on Craigslist to advertise your skills and knowledge.
3. Hamburger Helper – Mickey D and BK may not be on your list of employers, but they offer young workers something of value: experience. Some managers are receptive to bringing on summer help and may allow you to work while you are on other school breaks throughout the year. Build your resume!
4. Volunteer Activity – Your church, local senior center, or other non-profit could use a helping hand this summer. Lots of organizations are starved for volunteers, people who can pitch in and help out as needed. Find something you like to do and use that activity as a way to build up your skills while helping others. Yes, you can put volunteer time on a resume too.
5. Take Classes – Studying may be the last thing on your mind, but it could be the best way for you to get one or two classes out of the way over the summer. Summer sessions are compressed, but typically more relaxed, providing a good way to lighten your fall or spring academic load.
6. Study Abroad – You wanted to go to Europe for a few weeks this summer so why not take a class at a UK or continental university and combine that with a trip through France, Spain, Italy and Germany? It may not be too late to sign up; check with your school to see if they have a program to recommend.
7. Just Go – The worst thing you can do this summer is to be unproductive. Consider this: you’ve wanted to travel, so the time to do that is now. Before you graduate. Before you start work. Before you get married and have children! Visit at least one place new and, if you like the city or locale, consider making it your home once you finish school.
Of course, helping out around the home is something most families expect so don’t make yourself completely scarce until fall!
Adv. — Are you looking for a special gift for a family member? The nBuy Shopping Plaza offers access to more than 5,000 retailers including top merchants selling everything a your parents, siblings or other relative might want.
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