How to Sell Your Textbooks

How to Sell Your Textbooks
  • Opening Intro -

    You've accumulated a nice stash of college textbooks and unless you rented them for the semester, you're going to want to unload them for some cash.

    After all, you're not all that eager to include a copy of “The Renaissance and 17th Century Rationalism: Routledge History of Philosophy Volume 4,” in your personal library so why see if there is some interest from other students?


The good news is that you have several choices for bringing in some cash and parting with several unwanted tomes including:

Sell it back to the campus bookstore – Most college bookstores will gladly take your book back, that is if they know it’ll be in demand the next semester. Don’t expect to make much money off of your sale, however, as the book store will mark up the price before selling it to another student.

Post a note on campus – On campus bulletin boards are full of ads touting books for sale by students. Cut out the middle man, in this case the campus book store, and sell your book directly. This is a win-win situation: you’ll get more for your book and the buyer will pay less than what the bookstore charges.

List it online – Amazon and are excellent places to sell books, allowing you to list your books and using its pictures of book jacket covers along with your ad. When using Amazon, you’ll be required to open up an account; you can have funds deposited into your Paypal account once the books have been delivered. Consider Craigslist too: a good way for you to find a local buyer, saving on shipping costs.

Share your news socially – If you’re active with social media, then the logical way to find interested buyers is to serve up a smartly written tweet or post an update to your Facebook account. Enlist friends to spread the news, helping you to cast your “ad” far and wide to ensure the viral dissemination of your book sale.

Consider This

Avoid accepting checks for any deal – cash only is the way to ensure that you won’t be ripped off. Be sensible with your pricing: that philosophy book may only have one possible buyer, another student who will have to endure 15 weeks of Routledge and rationalism, just as you once did. Finally, consider renting your textbooks next semester, something we’ve long advocated here.

See Also

5 Tips for Saving on College Textbooks

Can You Save Big By Renting College Textbooks?

Off to College: Cheap Textbooks


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Categories: College Budgeting