HS College Planning Tips: for week of Sept 27

HS College Planning Tips: for week of Sept 27
  • Opening Intro -

    Review this checklist for items that should be completed at this time in your college planning process.


Quick Review for October

Review this checklist for items that should be completed at this time in your college planning process.

Any idea that you want to do after high school? You need to start quickly to meet fall deadlines. Review our late-starter file to get started: see late starter file

Finalize your list of colleges and review it with your HS counselor

Register for your college admission exams

October is the Month for College Fairs and HS Visits by Schools

Check with your guidance office for schedules and interviews. Narrow your college selection into a grouping for college application submission

Continue working on your college admission application. Items required:

  1. College entrance exams:
    take these exams as soon as possible and arrange to have your scores sent to your college of choice

  2. College
    admission application:

    will be discussed later

  3. Essays:
    most college applications will require 2 or more essays to give the college an idea who you are. These are important items that can get you accepted. So start working on them.

  4. High School Transcripts:
    arrange with your high school to forward required transcripts to select colleges. Note that everyone in your school will be making the same request So act early!

  5. Letters of recommendation:
    determine who can write your recommendations. Act now! That person you are thinking of may be approached by other students and they may not get to your letter of recommendation in time.

  6. Home Schooled:
    check with your college on what will be required since you will not be sending in "official" transcripts. Check this valuable resource for information: link to the amazon

  7. Other:
    check with your college admission’s office

You should consider taking Advanced Placement Exams or the CLEP tests to test out of some college courses.



More information available:


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Categories: College Planning