How to Create the Best School Brochures: A Guide with Templates

How to Create the Best School Brochures: A Guide with Templates
  • Opening Intro -

    Did you know that the current expenditures for both elementary and secondary are 15% higher than a few years ago?

    If you're operating a school, it's important to show off your amenities and benefits.


Let the people know where this added money goes.The best way to do this is by using school brochures. It’s an organized and attractive method of painting your institution in a positive light.

But what makes the best school brochures? What kind of layout and information should you include? Read on and find out more:

How to Make the Best School Brochures

Your brochure’s design can affect how people see your institution. That’s why it has the best potential when trying to attract new students. Set yourself aside from your audience and follow the following guidelines:

  • 1. Know Your Audience

    Are you trying to appeal to potential students or their parents? It’s a sad fact that most school brochures don’t have this in mind. K-12 schools should have a different means of appealing to audiences compared to universities.

    You also have subtle differences with other institutions at the same level. With that, you need to ensure that your design and content reflect your school’s brand.

    You can try using these brochure templates from Adobe Spark if you want a starting point.

  • 2. Understand Your Brand

    You should know what your educational institution is all about. That means your values, best qualities, and aspirations should reflect in your brochures. It will help you deliver a clear brand message and avoid a disconnect between what you want to emulate and how people see your school.

  • 3. Keep a Straightforward Language

    Brochures have a lot of space, but it isn’t a good idea to put walls of text in them. Ensure that it’s easy to read and flows well. It isn’t dumbing content down—it’s ensuring it’s easy to understand regardless of the reader.

  • 4. Use Professional Photos

    Brochures will benefit from good photos due to the dynamics it adds. That’s why you need to avoid stock photos and hire a professional photographer. This will put the best light on your facilities, staff, and students.

  • 5. Avoid Cluttering

    Your visual elements should reflect the look you’re trying to emulate. Make sure that it follows your brand message and add excitement to your audience. Check the design elements that don’t make sense and cut them all off.

other valuable tips:

Make Great Brochures Today!

No matter how great your design is, if you’re not getting a quality printing service, you’re wasting your efforts. Don’t skimp on your printing budget since they might do a poor job on the things you take for granted. Your colors might be off or your design alignments might not hold up with a cheap, lower quality printing service.

Regardless, follow these tips and you’ll get great school brochures for your institution. If you need more information about similar topics, read more of our posts today. We have a lot of informative guides that can help make you better.

Adobe Stock royalty-free image #79257952, ‘Broschürendruck’ uploaded by FSEID, standard license purchased from License details available at – image is licensed under the Adobe Stock Standard License

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College Campus reference:

GUIDE: summary financial aid charts


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