Natural Ways to Relieve Stress

Natural Ways to Relieve Stress
  • Opening Intro -

    Whether you're a student, educator, or administrator, plenty of things cause stress on a college campus.

    Small doses of stress can push you to get things done, but in large doses, the feeling can become paralyzing.


Fortunately, there are many remedies for coping with stress. These are just a few natural ways to relieve stress.

Identify the Stressor

Sometimes the overwhelming nature of stress can blind you to what you’re truly stressed about. For instance, if you’re stressed about a particular class, that stress can seep into how you feel about other classes, your job, or your relationships until you feel anxious about everything.

Identifying the things that are actually causing the stress can put your feelings into perspective and make them easier to cope with.

Practice Mindfulness

A great way to deal with the emotions surrounding your stressors is to practice mindfulness. Mindfulness is simply taking the time to be aware of your surroundings and feeling.

People often use mindfulness exercises to cope with anxiety and even with panic attacks.

When you’re faced with overwhelming amounts of stress, pause and take a few moments to notice the sights, smells, sounds, and sensations in the immediate vicinity to ground yourself. 

Use Constructive Self-Talk

“Self-talk,” or your inner monologue, is such a constant part of your daily existence that it’s easy to become unaware of how it can influence your mood.

Thoughts such as “I can’t get this done” or “I’m so stupid for putting this off” or “I really screwed this up” aren’t just unproductive; they can also contribute to decreased motivation and feelings of helplessness.

When you’re tempted to think, “I can’t do this,” try thinking, “Which things can I do right now?” When you want to think, “I’m terrible at this,” try thinking, “I’m still improving at this.”


Stress affects every part of the body, so taking care of your physical health is another natural way to reduce stress. Along with supporting physical health and wellness, exercise releases neurotransmitters in your brain that produce positive feelings, which can be a quick way to relieve some of the tension.

Exercise also reduces fatigue and improves concentration and alertness, helping you complete the tasks in front of you.

other valuable tips:

Supplementing Diet

Following a healthy diet improves blood flow, which stress can negatively affect. Adding various supplements to your diet can also help. There are plenty of ways to add vitamins, probiotics, or even CBD tinctures to what you’re already eating to support your physical and mental wellness without stressing about adding extra steps to your day.

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College Campus reference:

GUIDE: to your home into a bank


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Categories: Student Health