How To Market Your School Clubs on Campus

How To Market Your School Clubs on Campus
  • Opening Intro -

    The purpose of college clubs is to connect with like-minded people who share similar interests or care about the same causes. Part of a group's strength comes from its ability to build and grow.


Adding new members and serving a purpose is what generates that growth. As such, knowing how to market your school clubs on campus is essential in remaining relevant and open to admitting new members.

Create Social Media Presence

Social media creates a network for people, and now more than ever, these different platforms are helping everyone stay connected while socially distancing. A great way to market your school club is to create social media pages for it; utilize whichever platforms make sense.

Allowing others to find your group on various sites and get a peek into what you’re about, what makes you fun and special, and the faces of the group are always helpful.

Being able to promote as well as document the things your group does that impact society is also a great way to draw in newcomers.

Make Events

Though it’s always nice to have meet and greets to get to know potential members that are interested in your club, this is a little difficult right now. Thankfully, there are a lot of ways to host events that allow people to join, even if they’re not in person.

You can host a virtual event or go live on one of the social media platforms. Additionally, you may be able to support a cause and watch participation in real-time, such as a charity benefit and the number of participants who join.

There are countless ways to get many people to join an “event” without it being your typical in-person soiree.

Promotional Products

Promotional products have been important since the beginning of marketing and advertising. You want your club, group, or cause to be in people’s minds at all times—even subliminally.

Putting your logo on hats, shirts, cups, keychains, sweats, and even face masks is a great way to promote your club by making other people walking billboards. You have the option to embroider, patch, or use heat-transfer vinyl on these articles.

Find a wholesale supplier for hats and masks, as well as other promotional gear, to create trendy, quality marketing items to boost your relevancy on campus or online.

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The past year has pushed us to adapt in ways we may never have even considered before the pandemic. Just because physical gatherings aren’t possible doesn’t mean you can’t have an active club.

Understanding how to market your school clubs on campus or online will benefit your organization in many ways. It all starts with devising creative ways to get your name out there—whether that’s through an online presence, virtual events, or selling branded gear.

By taking these steps now, your club will be stronger than ever once we can start hosting gatherings again.

Image Credit: by Pixabay

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Categories: Campus Life